Page 50 of Alpha's Captive

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“I guess so. I’d have liked to speak to Prince Chandler privately first.”

“I think I know why Chandler was in such a hurry to ask you to reconsider marrying him. Guess who else has just arrived—without warning or invitation, I might add.”


“Harrison and his fucking queen. And her father, King Alfrid of Sudfarma. They’ve been staying at an inn in the village since we arrived home. I can’t believe that bitch had the nerve to show up here to this feast uninvited tonight.”

“Can’t you tell her to leave?”

“I could, and I would if Harrison weren’t here with her. But he and I have reconnected a bit recently, and I hate to ruin that by turning him away. He’s my brother, after all. Harrison will be loyal to her and if she leaves, he’ll go along with her. I’ll still do it, though, if she steps out of line or disrespects Rory.”

“She’s here because Chandler intends to announce our plans to renew our engagement. He told me they want him to marry right away.”

“I‘d put nothing past her,” Asher said. “We all have to be vigilant.”

“So, she’ll be there tonight when Roxbury walks in.”

“Yes, she will. I look forward to seeing the expression on her face. That’s the most dangerous moment, I think. Asher, I’ll need your help. And yours too, Roxbury, if you really have some kind of magic. Try to protect yourself and Brandon.”

“I will.”

“Wyatt and Brandon and my guards can pitch in if there’s any fighting to be done. But stay out of the way of the magic.”

“Then I think we’re as ready as we’ll ever be,” Rory said. He was wearing a suit of black velvet, and his hair was pulled back behind his head. He wore only a diamond circlet on his forehead, but he was still really beautiful.

Lex took most of the party to the Great Hall, where they were all set to dine that evening. All except for me. I was stationed in the shadows at the back of the hall, near the scullery, but every table held a host of noble lords and ladies, all decked out in their finest. Three different kings were in attendance, after all, so I had no doubt it was a big night for most of the guests.

Lex had erected a curtained screen in my dark corner and that’s where I took my place as the others filed in at the front. With all the attention on them, no one paid any attention to me that I could see. Lex and Rory sat down at the center of the table, side by side. It was a large room, dimly lit for a dining area, and set up with tables at right angles to the head table. King Harrison and his queen were already seated at the head table, along with an old man I took to be King Alfrid of Sudfarma. The old king was slumped in his chair. He didn’t look well at all, and I thought this journey must have been difficult for him. I wondered again what the hell he was even doing here.

Prince Chandler was seated at the first table below the dais, along with Kellman, the priest. Asher, Wyatt and Brandon went to join them, with Brandon sitting down beside the prince.

I saw him bend solicitously over his hand and kiss the back of it as they arrived, and it made me unreasonably jealous. I turned my attention back to the dais though, and watched as Lex, in his role as King Regent, welcomed his guests and made a little speech about all of them being there together for the first time. I’m sure there was more, but I tuned it all out and just watched Brandon.

He was gorgeous as always, even considering how ill he’d been recently, and I felt sympathy for the young prince sitting beside him. But as it happened, I’d gotten to Brandon first, a long time ago so he was all mine, and I didn’t plan on sharing. Chandler would have to get his own true love.

I was waiting for the appropriate time to step out of my hiding place. Lex had told me he was going to announce the engagement, and that was my cue to step out of hiding and say, “Sorry, but Brandon can’t marry the prince, because he’s already engaged to me.”

That was when all hell would no doubt break loose, and hopefully, in all the excitement, the murderous witch would reveal themselves.

It was only a few minutes into the dinner, when I saw Lex get to his feet and begin to toast the health of his guests and make his speech welcoming everyone. And then he made one last toast.

“It’s also my great pleasure tonight to announce the engagement of my cousin, Lord Brandon Bedford, to the Crown Prince of the Sudfarman Kingdom. We wish them joy.”

He held up his glass and everyone else stood up too, including all of the ones at the head table on the dais. All except for old King Alfrid. He looked as if he’d been half asleep when his daughter nudged him to stand up and make the toast along with the rest.

He looked dazed at first and then he lurched up to stand beside her and fixed his strange, intense gaze on Brandon. “You!” he shouted, practically screeching. “You wicked soul! You have magic in your blood. You want to taint my boy with it!”

His daughter, looking horrified, began pulling on his arm to get him to sit down and Chandler jumped to his feet, his face going white as a sheet. Harrison had risen to help the queen, and the whole room was buzzing with shock.

Without any warning, the old man pulled back his hand, raised it in the air above his head and began chanting a spell. Almost instantly, the air filled with the pungent smell of ozone. My scalp prickled and my skin was crawling. This was evil magic at work and his fingertips began flashing green as little bolts of fire sprang from them. His entire hand seemed to be on fire for a second before the flames sputtered out again.

“Brandon, get down!” Lex shouted and Brandon dove for the prince first and then rolled with him under the table. I hurtled out of my corner, headed toward the dais, knocking people out of my way as they tried to duck and dodge the old man’s gestures, which were wild and extravagant and getting worse. He was strong too, and easily knocked Harrison and Rosamond away as they tried to restrain him. I put myself in front of where I thought Brandon and Chandler were taking cover, ready to get in the way of any magical bolts he might hurl at him.

Asher and Lex were already at work casting their own spells, and the entire front of the room began to take on a greenish glow as they directed their chants at the old king. Their voices were getting louder and gaining strength as the glow around the old man suddenly went white hot and an explosion of sparks showered down from the ceiling. The old king fell forward onto his face on the table, and I could swear I saw wisps of smoke coming from his ears.

Harrison pushed his wife aside and bent over him. He checked him with a business-like efficiency, and then straightened back up. “The king is dead.”

Rozamond started to scream.
