Page 111 of Jagged Little Pieces

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I’ve never wanted my kids to view a puffed-up version of me. The real Walla Walla needs to be enough. It is for their mother, and I’m proud of the life we’ve built.

Right then, as I consider taking pity on a brother who never had much use for me, my kids know I’ve got a soft heart under my hard muscles. Like their mother, they approve of my need to hold grudges. I take their advice and walk away from my brother’s troubles.

I have real brothers who bled for me. I have a sister who still busts my balls whenever she thinks I’m going soft. I’ll walk through fire for any of them, while my grudge against the Carter family seems everlasting.

The Steel Berserkers Motorcycle Club started as an idea nursed by a spoiled Hoyt Macready. He looked at his ragtag group of friends and saw potential. I just wanted to have fun and hang out with my crew. Owning McMurdo Valley seemed like a fantasy.

So did winning Austen Halvorson’s heart. And my big, fancy house is something I never would have dreamed.

Everything I cherish now began with Ruin’s impossible goal. Before our club even had a name. Before we killed and were nearly killed taking the town. Before we fought enemy after enemy to remain on top. Before a wild redhead caught my eye and imprinted her smile on my heart.

Before all of it, we were just friends. Some rich, others poor. Some battered, some spoiled. Though we stumbled on our own, we proved unstoppable together.

Thanks to that long-ago ludicrous dream, I wake up next to a radiant woman who views me as her hero. My children grow up with every possibility ahead of them. My life knows no barriers.

Like the best dreams, the Steel Berserkers Motorcycle Club riding McMurdo Valley’s roads is even better than we could have imagined.

