Page 27 of Reaping Demons

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“Don’t you feel bad leaving, knowing there are more demons coming to finish off those people?”

“Nope. Someone needs to report this infestation so that we can mount a proper team to enter those tunnels and cleanse them.”

“Those people will die before that happens.”

“Yup. But guess what? I value my life more than theirs.”

“That seems kind of selfish.”

He eyed me over his shoulder. “Okay, since you’re Mrs. Altruistic, let’s go back there and you can swap spots with someone. Would that appease?”

“No.” The honest truth. “I don’t want to die.”

“Then stop trying to guilt me into returning to a very dangerous situation and doing something stupid. The brotherhood has few enough reapers as is without me pulling an ill-advised vigilante act. Yes, it’s sad those people won’t survive. However, I have to look at the bigger picture. Every scythe will be needed to cleanse this city of demons lest it become overrun.”

He kept clomping up the stairs, and staring at his broad back, I found myself asking, “How come you were on that subway when shit happened?”

“I was following you.”

He didn’t even deny it. “Following me? Why?”

Cain tossed a glance over his shoulder. “Because while you might want to pretend nothing has changed in your life, it’s obvious something has.”

“Like what? I’ve not pissed off any old ladies who might want to curse me. I didn’t have a near-death experience unless choking on my coffee the other morning counts. I’m not some teenager hitting puberty and inheriting powers. I’m a nobody with boring parents. So why me?” A whiny speech if I ever heard one and yet a culmination of the past few days.

“I don’t know. But I will remind you I offered to take you somewhere to find out. You told me to bugger off,” he pointed out.

“Because the whole thing is insane.”

“For fuck’s sake, would you stop being so goddamned stubborn? It’s a miracle you survived one demon attack, let alone two. Keep pretending this isn’t happening and who knows what will occur when they try to come after you again.”

“What do you mean, come after me? Are you blaming me for this?”

“No. The demons in the tunnel would have likely attacked no matter what. Although it is interesting that of all the routes that pass through daily, they chose the exact train you were riding.”

“This is not my fault,” I grumbled, suddenly finding the energy to stomp past him up to the next landing, which had a service door.

“It might be.”

I paused to nail him with a glare. “Excuse me? Why would you say that?”

He shrugged. “Because it was pretty obvious they were gunning for you.”

“The dozens of other dead people would say otherwise.”

“They died because they were in the way and demons are bloodthirsty. But you were their target.”

“So you do think it’s my fault,” I accused.

“All I know is you’re the common component in these attacks.”

“Says you.”

“Yeah, says me. A guy who knows more about demons than you.”

“I haven’t exactly had time to learn.”

“I offered to take you somewhere to be taught. You refused, but the offer still stands.”
