Page 28 of Reaping Demons

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I made a moue of annoyance. “Was this all part of your master plan with Nova?”

“She came to see you?”

“As if you didn’t know, snitch.” I remained salty about it.

“It was my duty to inform her of your existence. I didn’t expect her to go see you herself.”


“The Regina for the sisterhood usually delegates the task of interviewing potential witches to others.”

“Lucky me,” I mumbled.

“What did she say to you?”

“Basically, that I should go to her guild and get tested because she thinks I might be some rare reaper witch.”

“Let me guess, you told her to fuck off.”

“Kind of.” I shrugged. “At the time, she seemed full of shit.”

“And now?”

I held up my no longer glowing hands. “Maybe I should hear what she has to say.”

“Praise be, you’re finally starting to talk some sense.”

“Don’t be a jerk about it,” I snapped.

“That’s priceless coming from your stubborn ass. You just can’t admit you were wrong.”

“Be nice before I change my mind about going,” I said as I slipped through the door into a long hallway that had a few more doors along the middle. I ignored the ones marked Electrical and Communications as I stalked for the door at the end, which had a sign that read: Exit to Street.

Cain suddenly bumped me aside before I could grab the handle. “Let me go first and make sure it’s safe.”

“Go ahead. Better your face eaten than mine.” I crossed my arms as he opened it and peeked out.

He gestured. “Coast is clear, but it won’t be for long. We’ve reached the concourse leading to the platform the subway failed to reach.” He exited, and I poked my head out before joining him in the silent, curving hall lined in tile.

"Where is everyone?"

"Most likely the station shut down when the train came to a stop. No point in people sticking around for a subway that isn’t running."

"Or the demons ate them." My lips turned down as I glanced to the curve that would lead to the stairs going down. The concave mirror that was supposed to show around the bend had been graffitied.

“Doesn’t matter why it’s empty. We have to go before the cops arrive.”

We took off at a rapid pace, turning a corner, only to halt and skedaddle backwards as we saw police officers at the bottom of the stairs leading to the street. They appeared to be donning their bulletproof vests and helmets. Would that be enough to protect them? I had my doubts, but of more concern, “How are we supposed to get past them?”

“Not easily. You’re going to have to get close,” Cain advised, tapping his scythe to shrink it and shoving it into his pocket.

“You want me to get close to them? I’ll be arrested.”

“Not them. You need to get close to me so my cloak can render you invisible,” he muttered as if it were obvious.

“Hide me how? Your coat ain’t that loose, and I might be petite, but not that petite.”

“So long as you’re touching me, the cloak’s invisibility spell will cover you. Stand on my feet facing my chest and wrap your arms around my waist.”
