Page 37 of Reaping Demons

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“You’ll soon discover we have people in all kinds of positions to help us in our fight. Now why don’t you shower while I rustle up some clothes from our storage room.”

The very welcoming woman left, and I took a second to breathe. This place seemed like a dream. Too good to be true. There had to be a catch.

Yeah, you’re expected to fight demons.

Actually, that was men’s work. The women simply figured out where they were. Seemed like an easy gig. Live in the lap of luxury with my whims catered to. I wondered if they had a library to make this dream complete. I’d ask Mizuki when she returned. In the meantime, I shed my filthy stuff and luxuriated in the hot shower. By the time I emerged wrapped in a fluffy towel, a pile of garments still with tags on them—including a package of underwear—waited on the bed.

I dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt, along with the slip-on loafers I found by the door with other shoes in my size. Mine had disappeared. Good, given they’d been spattered in blood.

Once dressed, I had to wonder, what next? Nova said we’d meet up at dinner, but I had no idea when that would be. The Rockies were in a different time zone than the one I’d left.

I poked my head out the door and noticed the room next to mine appeared to have its entrance ajar. I uttered a sound of startlement when Mizuki popped out. “There you are. Ready for that tour?”

My smile was wide as I said, “Hell yeah.”

I couldn’t have asked for a better guide. Mizuki offered a commentary on everything as she showed me around. I saw the many classrooms for the witches, one with a simple chalkboard and a few tables with chairs for history lessons. Another set up like a science lab because, apparently, they brewed potions using many ingredients found in the garden and the forest. Although some jars did show more exotic stuff that couldn’t be grown and had to be imported.

The conservatory was a glassed space behind the castle that opened onto the garden. But the most intriguing place? The training rooms, of which there were several.

The one lined with metal and no windows? For practicing combat magic.

I’d arched my brow. “I thought the witches didn’t fight demons because they couldn’t see them.”

“We don’t, but those aren’t the only threats we used to face. There’s ghouls, vampires, and werewolves—”


“Yes, but there’s not many of them, mostly because they were hunted to almost extinction given the danger they posed. We also used to use our magic to defend ourselves against humans who didn’t appreciate witches. Mind you, that’s not been much of an issue since the castle relocation. Hard to persecute us if they can’t find us.” She giggled.

“When you say you use magic to fight, are we talking fireballs?”

Mizuki nodded. “Flinging of elements is the most common, but few practice it these days. I do, though. I’ve been working on my aim.” She’d indicated a scorched dummy. “Our Regina uses this room regularly. So do Cecily and Helen.”

“Do they fight demons?”

“They would if they could see them. Only sunlight and reapers can pierce their veil.”

I didn’t mention the fact I could see them. Not yet. I didn’t want to deal with the questions that might arise from my difference. “What of the other witches? Don’t they practice here, too?”

“No.” Mizuki shrugged. “They’ve opted out of combat exercises since they lack a natural talent or predilection.”

The other training rooms had occupants. Men, I should specify. One appeared to be for blade work given the rack on the wall only held daggers and swords. Another was for poles and spears. The last one had no weapons, just shirtless guys wrestling.

Mizuki nudged me and whispered, “The guy with the tattoo on his back is Barron.” A large Viking-like fellow with blond hair pulled back from his face and a beard.

Having seen several guys and no gals during our tour, I asked, “You said there are thirteen women. How many men?”

“I’m not sure. They come and go a lot. We have quite a few that live outside the castle, but there’s usually close to a hundred in residence, which is all they can house on their side.” She leaned close to whisper, “They don’t have enough room for private bedrooms, so their wing is set up barracks-style with a large, shared bathroom per floor.”

“I heard mention the middle of the castle housed married couples. How many of them are there?”

“Right now? Only two.”

“That seems low given I was told the witches don’t leave often, making their dating options slim.”

“Oh, there’s plenty of fooling around happening, but given our longevity, many choose to simply have fun rather than get serious.”
