Page 38 of Reaping Demons

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“What about kids? You said you were raised here.”

“I was born here, but only returned after my parents died. You see, many married witches and reapers choose to reenter the world to give their progeny a chance at a normal childhood.”

“Isn’t that dangerous, given the demons?”

“Only if a witch loses control of her magic. There are also wards that can be placed to warn and repel them.”

“Nova said people who leave are on their own.”

“If they leave the guild. My parents, for example, still worked for them. My dad worked in the sanitation department and kept an eye on the sewers. Mom handled the scrying for the city.”

“Do you ever wish you lived elsewhere?” A personal question, and yet, in the time we’d spent together, I felt comfortable asking.

“Every so often I venture out and live in the real world.” She did finger quotes. “But honestly, having to take care of myself, cooking, cleaning, and all that…” She wrinkled her nose. “I’m not cut out to be domestic.”

“Who does the chores here?” Was there some kind of roster so everyone took a turn?

Mizuki’s lips curved. “I saved the best for last. Ever heard of brownies?”

“Who hasn’t heard of those delicious chocolate treats.”

Her laughter rang out. “Not that kind. Brownie as in an urisk, a friendly goblin-type creature who actually enjoys doing chores in exchange for trinkets and necessities.”

“Seriously? How did you hire them? What do they look like?” Would this be like that weird little character in Harry Potter who was freed if given a sock to wear?

“They asked to come with the castle when it moved. They were hunted to almost extinction in Europe. We protect, feed, clothe, protect, and house them, and in return, they keep the castle running. It’s turned out to be a mutually beneficial exchange. As to what they look like, come on. There should be a few in the kitchen prepping dinner with Rani.”

I followed Mizuki into a new part of the castle from which banging and whirring emerged as pots clanged and machines mixed. I entered to see one woman directing what looked to me like gnome people. Big noses, big ears, none of them taller than my knee. They clambered up rope ladders to the countertops where they cut vegetables, mixed ingredients, rolled dough, and prepped platters of food.

So much food. “Damn,” I huffed. “That’s a lot of stuff they’re making.”

“Reapers tend to eat a lot.”

“Bottomless pits,” announced the woman with florid cheeks. As she neared, she wiped her hands on her apron. “I’m Rani. You must be the new girl.”

I almost snickered at “girl” until I remembered how old Mizuki was. “Hi, I’m Sadie.”

“Nice to meet you.”

Mizuki nudged me. “Rani is a wicked chef. She claims it’s because she knows food, but I think she uses her magic to make it delicious.”

The comment had Rani snorting. “You only think that because you love food. Now, I assume you’re here to meet the brownies.” Rani whistled, and a small person—because I could not call them creatures, not with their two arms and legs—came scampering over.

“What’s up, missus?” squeaked a tiny voice.

“New girl. Staying in…” Rani eyed Mizuki.

“Room next to mine.”

Rani eyed the little woman. “Can you ensure someone is assigned to her quarters?”

“Most likely Isadora is already getting it ready,” scoffed the brownie. She eyed me and grinned. “Been a while since there’s been one like you. I’m Polly. If you need anything let me know. It is our pleasure to serve.” Polly bobbed her head before she waddled off, hollering at the other brownies.

Rani arched a brow. “I wonder what Polly meant about it’s been a while. What’s your element?”

I shrugged. “No idea. I only recently found out about the whole magic and demon thing.”

“In that case, good luck on the tests.”
