Page 40 of Reaping Demons

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“That’s got to be an interesting interview. Hey, do you want to fight demons?” I was only half joking, but Mizuki nodded.

“The good news is usually these men have already seen a demon. It’s how we find them. They do internet searches, which then leads them to our website.”

“You have a website?”

“We do. Kevin runs it. It’s called iseedemons dot com. It promises the men who find it a chance to become a demon hunter.”

“And does it get a lot of hits?” I couldn’t help but be curious.

“Yes, but most of them never get any further than the first few questions in our screening process. We ask them if they’ve seen a demon. Then we ask them to check off the color of the demon’s skin. Number of horns. We show them a few images and ask them to choose the one that looks closest to it.” Mizuki ticked off fingers as she went through how they weeded out applicants.

“What happens if someone answers right but doesn’t see them?”

“The next phase of the test is to bring them to a hunt. This accomplishes a few things such as whether or not they do see them. How they react.”

“Fight or flee,” I murmured.

“Exactly.” Mizuki nodded.

“What if they fail? They still know about it.”

Nova answered. “We have spells to wipe their memories.”

“But that doesn’t stop them from seeing them in the future.”

“No, it doesn’t, but we don’t need cowards in the ranks.”

“Harsh,” I replied. I then wet my lips to say, “Given I’m not very brave, maybe I shouldn’t be here.”

Mizuki giggled. “We don’t need to be brave. We can’t see the demons, and we’re quite safe in the castle.”

I glanced at Nova and murmured, “Should I tell her?”

“That’s up to you,” Nova replied.

“Tell me what?” Mizuki asked.

“I can see demons.” I spoke softly, but Mizuki heard.

“Seriously? Wow.” Her eyes widened. “That’s kind of cool.”

“More like scary,” I muttered.

“If you can see them, you could fight,” Mizuki exclaimed. “Wait, does this mean you’re not a witch?”

“She has the magic as well,” Nova stated. “We are going to find out what skills Sadie has starting tomorrow. So be sure to get some rest.”

With that, Nova left.

Mizuki had all kinds of questions, which led to me telling her about my experiences over the past few days. She was way more excited about my supposed abilities than me. I seriously lacked a heroic gene. I’d agreed to stay here mostly out of fear the demons might attack me again. Still, it wouldn’t hurt to explore the magic I might have. Being able to fry demons with the touch of my hands wouldn’t be a bad thing to learn.

Even when the plates were cleared, the dining hall remained raucous and too much for me after the day I’d had. I slid off the bench and murmured, “I’m going to bed.”

“I’ll come with you.”

“You don’t have to,” I hastened to say.

“Bah. Barron’s gone demon hunting with Cain, so no point in sticking around. Besides I’ve got a book to read.”
