Page 41 of Reaping Demons

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Book? We parted company on our floor, me with a novel in hand that Mizuki snagged from her room so I wouldn’t be bored.

As if that would happen. I worried more about my mind being too awake, whirring with everything that had happened. I readied myself for bed. I found pajamas in the drawers, the clothes Mizuki had dumped having been put away in my absence. I tried reading but couldn’t focus. Just like sleep eluded me.

Here I was in a castle of witches and demon hunters, heroic people trying to do good in the world, and then there was me. Someone with supposedly both sides of the coin but seriously not interested in saving the world.

Selfish? More like terrified. Those demons fucking scared the shit out of me. Their alien nature, their viciousness, the fact the majority of people couldn’t see them to defend themselves.

I could, though. My hands had reacted and saved me, even though I had no idea how. Why hadn’t they activated the moment the demon attacked? What triggered them? Was it me almost dying? How could I ensure it happened quicker next time, assuming there was a next time? I really hoped there wasn’t a next time.

Thinking of fighting demons led to me thinking of Cain. Was he okay? Had he returned?

Why did I care?

I rolled out of bed to hit the bathroom one last time, I hoped. As I returned to bed, wondering if Cain would get any sleep tonight, my attention was caught by the mirror, which didn’t reflect me or the room. On the contrary, the fuzzy surface showed Cain. Cain stripping off his clothes in a room with other guys.

Oh, my. His muscled body parted my lips. I’d have sworn he turned to look at me.

Right at me, as if catching me spying.

The mirage vanished, and I had to wonder if I’d imagined it.

Didn’t matter. That muscled chest followed me into my dreams, and I woke stretching and purring like a happy kitty.

It lasted until breakfast.


The next morning, I found myself knocking on Mizuki’s door, looking for directions.

She emerged bright-eyed and ready to go. “Morning, Sadie. Ready to test your magic?”

“Sure?” Forgive me if I didn’t sound certain, because what kind of test were we talking about? Would it hurt? I didn’t handle pain very well. Bad period cramps had been known to make me cancel work to spend the day huddled with a hot water bottle, stuffed with Tylenol, and high on marijuana.

“Don’t worry. It will be painless, but let’s grab breakfast first.”

The morning meal proved less chaotic than dinner with maybe twenty or so people actually in the dining hall. The eggs, bacon, and hashed potatoes were delicious, but I ceased eating when Cain entered. His gaze scanned those seated until it hit me. He then strode in my direction, duster flaring, expression intent. My tummy did flip-flops. Goddamn, the man was hot.

“Morning,” I stated with a bright smile he didn’t return.

“You need to come with me.” All he said before he turned and stomped away.

“Someone got up on the wrong side,” Mizuki murmured.

“I better go see what’s up with him.” I stood as Mizuki protested.

“But we were going to test your magic.”

“We will after I see what’s wrong with Cain.” I grabbed a hashbrown and munched on it as I hastened to catch up. Cain headed from the dining area to the front entrance of the castle and was almost out the door before I shouted, “Yo, Sir Grumpy, could you slow down and tell me what’s going on?”

“There’s been an incident,” he tossed without turning around.

“Could you be any vaguer?” I remarked. “I ain’t going anywhere until you actually explain yourself.”

He paused and turned to face me. “The store you work for was vandalized last night.”

“And? It’s not exactly a great neighborhood. Not to mention, we’ve been hit before.”

“The damage came from demons.”
