Page 42 of Reaping Demons

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The news froze me. “Shit. Is Enzo okay?”

“Your employer is unharmed, but it would appear those who trashed your place of employment left a message for you.”

“What kind of message?”

“You’ll see,” he growled in reply as he stepped out the door.

I didn’t budge. He reentered with a glower. “Why are you not following?”

“Because, for one, you’re being an ass. Two, this sounds like a bad idea, and three, why the fuck would I go somewhere there might be demons when I’m safe here?”

“Fine. You want to stay. Stay.” He turned around to leave, and I gaped.

“That’s it? You’re not going to try and convince me?”

“Either you come or you don’t. I’m not begging.”

The door shut, and I face a choice. Stay and get tested or…

I ran for the door and heaved it open, prepared to run to catch Cain, only he stood right outside. I glared at him. “You are such an ass.”

His lips quirked ever so slightly. “I’m aware. Let’s go.”

“I still don’t see why I’m needed. Wouldn’t it be simpler to just take a pic of this message and show me here, where I’m safe?”

“You’re safe with me.” His low, rumbled promise.

“Unless there’s a shit-ton of demons again,” I pointed out as my short stride tried to keep up with his.

“There isn’t.”

“That you know of.”

“The witches scried and say whatever hit your store is gone.”

“For now… And didn’t you say the demons could sometimes hide from their magic?” I countered.

“Then you better hope your magical hand trick works again.”

“Funny you should say that because that was one of the things I planned to learn before being rudely dragged away.”

“Hardly dragged,” he replied dryly.

“I wasn’t even finished with my breakfast.”

“I haven’t eaten since yesterday afternoon so cry me a river.”

“Why didn’t you grab something from the buffet?”


“Because is not an answer.” Something my mom used to say all the time.

“Must you natter all the time?” he sighed.

“Yes. And it’s not nattering. It’s called conversation.”

“That implies two or more people engaging in it. I don’t want to talk,” was his grouchy reply.

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