Page 47 of Reaping Demons

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I hid behind Cain.

For nothing, it turned out. Enzo strolled in, looking disheveled and sweaty. Couldn’t blame him given he’d seen his business trashed.

He took one look at me and pointed. “Fired. So fucking fired. Fired and I am going to sue your ass!”

“Me? What the fuck did I do?” I came out from behind Cain and planted my hands on my hips.

“You have to ask? Look around. And don’t tell me this isn’t about you. Your name is on the fucking ceiling!”

I’d never seen my boss so upset, but to blame me? Okay, maybe this was my fault but not intentionally.

“I don’t know who did this or why. I swear.” I did the sign of the cross over my heart despite not being religious.

“Don’t care. I’m ruined. Fucking ruined.”

“The insurance—”

“Dropped me after the last break-in.”

I winced. “I’m sorry, Enzo.”

“Get out.” He pointed to the door.

My lips turned down. Fired. A first in my life. How would I pay the rent or buy food? Thoughts that went quickly through my head until I reminded myself of the castle. I had a place to stay.

“Out!” Enzo yelled.

“I’m going. Jeezus.” I went trudging past, trying to not wince as things crackled even further underfoot.

Only as I went to pass Enzo did he move, his hand whipping out to grab my wrist.

I tugged. “What now? I thought you wanted me to go?”

“You are Sadie.” Enzo spoke oddly, and his face contorted.


“Find. Sadie.” The words whispered from his lips, and I watched in horror as Enzo’s face literally rippled.

“Move away from him!” barked Cain.

I yanked, but Enzo had a firm grip on me. Only whatever I stood in front of wasn’t just my boss. His eyes turned a deep black. His lips peeled back over teeth that showed another layer of razor-sharp ones behind.

“What the fuck?” I exhaled.


The blow from the scythe took off Enzo’s arm just below the elbow, and I screeched as I stumbled back, a hand still gripping my wrist. I waved my arm around until the hand flew off and thumped to the floor.

The severed arm gushed, and Enzo gaped at me, mouth opening and shutting. Cain lifted his scythe.

“You can’t kill him,” I protested.

“He’s possessed,” Cain declared.

“Can’t we like do an exorcism?”

Cain shot me a look that said my movies didn’t know shit. He also didn’t kill my boss but only because the floor suddenly erupted as something big burst from the basement. A monstrous, hulking monster with muscles, accompanied by some of the smaller demons. It led to my protector being busy, too busy to see the thing that used to be my boss changing. Enzo’s face split apart to reveal something hideous underneath. His intact hand lifted, and the fingers burst at the ends and elongated into sharp points.
