Page 48 of Reaping Demons

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“What the hell!” I screamed as I barely evaded the clumsy flail of Possessed Enzo’s claws.

“Come. With. Me,” it hissed through blackened lips.

“I don’t think so,” I huffed. I held my hands and willed them to glow. Come on, magic power. Go, go, killer hands? I shook them. Clapped them together to no avail.

Possessed Enzo swiped for me.

And by some miracle, missed!

Yay, me. A short reprieve. Cain remained busy, dealing with the demons that had burst from the basement. Enzo had me blocked from escape and kept trying to grab hold.

I bent and snared stuff from the floor and tossed it at Possessed Enzo.

“Take that!” The remains of a honey dipper bounced off the hideous creature. “And that!” The frying pan clunked satisfyingly to no avail.

Enzo lunged, and this time he managed to snag me, his pointy fingers digging into flesh.


“Use magic,” Cain yelled.

“I’m trying,” I whimpered as I struggled to escape, only to make the burning pain in my arm worse.

The mouth of my possessed boss opened wide as he leaned in close, his fetid breath washing over me in a way that had me gagging.

Holy fuck. I was going to die. My face eaten. How horrible. My funeral would have to be a closed casket. I’d spend the afterlife faceless.


The bullet put a big hole through Enzo’s head, and the body dropped. Since the claws remained dug into my arm, it took me with it.

I hyperventilated as I tried to pry open the fingers to free myself.

A low-timbred and familiar voice said, “Hold still while I free you.”

I looked up to see the shooter was none other than Detective Williams.


Just as I realized I’d been saved by none other than Detective Williams, Cain finally finished off the last demon. Instead of grunting and squealing, silence filled the devasted shop. A quiet broken by the crunch of Williams’s steps as he fully entered.

Fuck. A. Duck. What bad timing. Only one thing to do. I meant to throw myself at Cain and tuck myself into his coat of invisibility. Sure, to Williams it would look like I’d suddenly disappeared, but better than dealing with his questions. Only Cain thought it a good idea to jump down the fucking hole in the floor, leaving me with nowhere to hide.

Williams came to a stop in the middle of the store, gun still drawn but thankfully not aimed at me. “Imagine finding you here,” Williams drawled.

It led to me huffing, “This isn’t my fault.”

“Says the woman standing amidst the chaos.” Williams shook his head as he looked around. “You seem to have a thing for murder scenes.”

“Hold on a second. You’re the one who shot my boss. Not me! I didn’t kill him,” I pointed out.

“No, but you are at the center of this. Or are you going to claim that message isn’t about you?” He craned to look at the ceiling with its damning words.

“I have no idea who did this.”

“Don’t you?” Williams asked with a smirk.

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” I muttered. A glance at Enzo on the floor showed the monster within him already dissipated, leaving my boss’s body deflated and mishappen. What would the coroner think? At least Williams couldn’t see Cain or the carved demon bodies he’d left scattered. That might have been harder to explain.

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