Page 50 of Reaping Demons

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“Me? My useless ass just about died.”

“So it is true you have both witch and reaper magic?” Williams queried.

“Supposedly. Kind of wishing I didn’t,” I grumbled.

“There you go whining again.” Cain sighed.

“You weren’t the one almost killed by your possessed boss, so shut the fuck up,” I snapped. I was quite done with this whole demon thing.

Williams couldn’t have grinned wider if he tried. “Did you finally find someone who doesn’t find your brooding charming?”

“Fuck off, Vance.”

Cain glared, and I blurted out, “You know each other!”

“Have since we trained together. Poor Cain. He never could keep up with me on the track,” Williams confided.

“And you sucked with a blade,” Cain countered.

“Some of us prefer modern weapons like guns. Fighting from afar is less messy and dangerous.”

“Wait, you’re a reaper too?” I eyed Williams, who looked nothing like Cain.

“Not every single man who can see demons remains in the castle,” Williams explained. “To ensure we’re readily available, reapers are stationed around the world, mostly watching over the bigger cities. Keeping an eye on local incidents. Stepping in when needed. Being with the police force allows us to smooth over messy situations.”

“Like you did for me?” I groused.

“In my defense, you were an anomaly. A woman claiming to see demons? It didn’t seem possible.” He didn’t sound one bit apologetic.

“Well, guess again.”

“If it helps, I was attempting to divert attention elsewhere, but this will bring the focus back on you.” Williams lips pursed as he surveyed the mess.

“No one knows Sadie was here,” Cain pointed out. “We can leave discreetly.”

“Won’t matter. This message implicates her, not to mention there is no way to hide that something burst out of this body.” Williams grimaced.

“Only one thing to do. Set a fire to hide the evidence,” Cain suggested.

“Wait, you can’t burn Enzo’s body,” I protested.

“Why not?” both men asked.

“Because what about his family? No body means they won’t know if he’s dead or alive.” I don’t know why I argued. I wasn’t even sure if Enzo had family. He certainly never spoke of them.

“His bones will survive, and they’ll be able to do tests to confirm it’s him.”

A valid point, still… it seemed kind of cold.

“Should we toss Wendell in here to handle both situations at once?” Cain asked as he reached down to grab an unbroken bottle of lighter fluid meant for use with a fondue pot.

“His car is a mess, so no point in dragging him inside since we’ll have to get rid of it too.”

“Where is it?” Cain asked.

“It’s parked at the end of the alley, under an invisi-tarp.”

I almost snorted at the dorky name. “You do realize my boss dying in a suspicious fire along with a cop is just going to make your precinct look at me harder?”
