Page 51 of Reaping Demons

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“Even with no body, they’d be suspicious of you because you seem to be at the heart of the recent troubles. But don’t worry, once you disappear, I’ll make sure the investigation steers clear of you,” Williams stated.

I blinked. “Excuse me. Disappear where?”

“The castle. I think it’s best if you return and don’t leave.”

“Agreed,” Cain replied with a nod.

Both men concurred as if it were a done deal, but I was a woman who’d already had much upheaval, and I didn’t appreciate strangers deciding my life for me.

My hands hit my hips, and Cain muttered, “Uh-oh, here we go.”

“Fucking right, uh-oh. Who says I want to move into the castle permanently?” Funny how my usually timid ass had no problem standing up to the hunks.

“It’s safest,” Williams declared.

“Says you.”

“You’ll get the training you need.”

“If I want it,” I countered.

“Why wouldn’t you?” Williams sounded baffled.

“I don’t know, but I don’t like you deciding for me.” It reminded me of growing up. My parents decided everything for me. Clothes, who I could hang with, what I was allowed to eat. They controlled everything, but I reclaimed it once I left their house by no longer letting anyone tell me what I should or should not do.

“Don’t bother arguing. She doesn’t listen to reason,” Cain confided as he poured the liquid alcohol over Enzo’s corpse.

“Fuck off. I am allowed to have a say in my own life. A life that’s gotten completely fucked up in the last few days. Ever occur to you that I’m struggling to deal with so many changes at once? Not to mention, I can’t just disappear. What about my stuff? I mean it’s all well and good your castle gave me some clothing, but I’d like some of my own things. Nor do I intend to ditch my personal mementos.” Few as they were. At my age, I’d decluttered most of my past life. I’d not been close to my parents growing up, and that rift widened when I went to college. I had few friends. Few memories either. I’d been working to pay the rent and stay afloat for years.

“We’ll send a team to pack up your place,” Williams stated.

Cain nodded. “I don’t need strange dudes pawing through my underwear drawer. I can pack my own shit.”

“Does this mean you agree to go to the castle afterwards?” Williams asked directly.

“For now. But I want my own things.”

“Fine,” Cain huffed. “However, you’re not going there alone.”

I’d never admit the relief I felt at his statement. “When can we go?”

“Maybe tomorrow.”

“How about right now?”

“We should get you back to the castle so someone can heal up those wounds.”

“I’m fine.” I crossed my arms, holding back the wince of pain it caused the injured one. I wasn’t about to let these two men use some scratches to justify making decisions for me. “Shall we?”

I spun on my heel and took a step forward. I might have made a more graceful exit had my foot not slipped on the broken dishes. Cain caught me before I could faceplant and swung me into his arms to carry me outside, not via the front but back into the alley.

My lips pursed as I gritted out a begrudging, “Thanks. You can put me down now.”

He let me down slowly, his arm around me as if worried I’d fall again. I just might because I felt a little faint and swayed into him, head tilted, lips pursed. Sue me for finding him attractive. A one-sided deal, apparently, since he scowled.

I pushed away just as Williams exited to join us. “I poured more of the fuel in the store. Place should burn nicely. I just need a light.”

“Don’t look at me. I don’t smoke.” Cain rolled his shoulders.
