Page 59 of Reaping Demons

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“Why?” Probably none of my business, but I asked anyhow.

“There’s only one reason for best friends to break up. A woman.”

Movement below caught my eye. “I think they’re back!” I began trotting down the slope, eager to ensure the safety of the men I left behind, only to halt mid-step when Mizuki exclaimed, “Why is it so foggy in the forest?”

“It’s not,” I replied with a frown before clueing in why she fog and I didn’t. “The demons are here!”

“Imposs—” Mizuki didn’t finish the word because the motion I’d seen turned into a demon. It emerged from the woods, unheeding of the sun.

I assume the fog disappeared because Mizuki whispered, “I can see a demon.”

“And where there’s one, there’s more,” I answered grimly as branches rattled and parted, revealing more of the gray bastards.

Mizuki gathered herself. “We need to get inside the castle and sound the alarm. Quick!”

I didn’t need further prodding to get my ass booking it back up the hill, across the field, and over the drawbridge. Only when I stood within the castle did I turn to look around.

I kind of wish I hadn’t. I gaped as the first of the demons popped into view. Then another. And another. So many demons and us with no reapers left to protect us.

An alarm blared, startling me. I turned to see Mizuki releasing the lever she’d pulled.

“To let the other witches and the brownies know they should hide,” Mizuki yelled to be heard over the strident clanging. “We have to close the gate. Help me crank it.”

Together we pushed and heaved the handle that sucked in the chains and raised the drawbridge. Only once it was secured did I breathe. I already knew the first floor didn’t have any windows large enough to admit the demons.

“Let’s get to the gallery for a peek,” Mizuki suggested.

I followed her up a ladder bolted beside the main entrance. It led to a platform I’d not noticed previously, one with a window that overlooked the front of the castle.

Side by side, we stood and watched as the wave of gray bodies spilled over the top of the hill and barreled for the castle. It was daunting and terrifying all at once. A veritable legion and us practically alone.

“What are we supposed to do?” I kept my voice low as if they might hear me.

“Not much we can do,” was Mizuki’s grim reply. “I sent out a text for help, but who knows if anyone got it. We’ll have to sit tight and hope someone sees my message and that the defenses are enough to protect us until they arrive.”

“Did all the reapers leave?”

“Yes, as well as the only witches capable of combat magic.”

“Surely there’s something we can do?” I felt like a sitting target.

“Not unless you can conjure up some magic.”

“No.” But I kind of wished I could.

Despite not asking for it, Mizuki hugged me, and I allowed it. Even kind of felt some relief from it.

“If it makes you feel better, a fortune teller once told me I’d get married and have three kids.”

“Only if you live,” I muttered.

“I have to live because that hasn’t yet come to pass.”

I could have been the asshole who said fortune tellers were charlatans, but then again, what did I know? A week ago, magic and demons didn’t exist in my world.

“Here we go. Get ready for some fireworks.” Mizuki sounded almost gleeful.

The first of the demons reached the barren strip of ground ringing the castle. It stepped on the barren ring and plummeted as a pit opened up, swallowing the demon whole.
