Page 60 of Reaping Demons

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One demon down. A zillion more to go.

The next demon to test the ground got incinerated by a fireball. Then one got impaled by a suddenly jutting spike. The traps were working. Only, as more and more of them got triggered, the demons found ways around. A pair of larger monsters grabbed those smaller than them and tossed them over the defensive ring.

One, two, three. Soon a plethora of them scrabbled at the rock walls of the castle and pounded on the door.

“Please tell me they can’t get in,” I whispered, wringing my hands.

“We’re safe?” I wasn’t reassured by Mizuki’s questioning tone. “Assuming the wards hold them back.”

“And if they don’t? What happens if they breach the walls?”

“Usually there would be reapers to meet their assault.”

“But they’re all gone.” And me without my protectors. Jesus Christ. This was a clusterfuck. I’d been told this place was safe. What a lie. “What about the witches that are left?” It seemed odd we hadn’t seen them.

“There’s too few, and none of them are trained in combat. They probably hid the moment I sounded the alarm.”

“If those demons get inside, out of the sunlight, their fog will return and they’ll be invisible to you,” I stated.

“But not you,” Mizuki countered. “You’ll have to keep us safe.”


“You’re the messovenata. The reason they’re here. They’re scared of you.”

“So scared they’re attacking.” I couldn’t stop staring at the demon digging his claws into the stone for purchase so it could climb. Despite it being slow going, it would reach us shortly. “Um, Mizuki?”

“I see it.” A fireball lit up in her hand and she flung it down. I winced as the magic not only went wide but also sputtered out as it travelled. I now understood why Mizuki hadn’t volunteered to head into battle with the others.


“Hold on.” She pulled out a whistle from under her shirt that hung around her neck on a chain and blew. I didn’t hear a damned thing, but the demons all did, seeing as their renewed interest focused on the window we watched from.

“Did you just ring their dinner bell?” I asked.

“Not exactly.”

“How help?” A tiny brownie suddenly stood with us, and Mizuki crouched.

“The castle is under attack. Demons are trying to climb to the second floor. We need to dump some oil down the walls they’re climbing.”

“And set it on fire,” I finished. “Good plan.”

The brownie chirped, “On it,” and fled, sliding down the ladder as if it were a firepole. Its tiny body scurried away the moment it hit the floor.

“Think the oil and fire will be enough to stop them from getting in?”


I gave Mizuki a startled look. “That’s not reassuring.”

“Sorry. I mean it will hurt them, but there’s too many for it to work for long.”

“This is my fault,” I mumbled. “They’re after me.”

“And they can’t have you. Let’s go to the armory. I don’t know about you, but I’d feel better with something sharp in my hands.”

Leaving our spot meant being blind to the demons’ actions though.
