Page 72 of Reaping Demons

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Fuck. Vance shouldered the manhole cover and pushed it aside before heaving himself out. Cain joined him a second later. They’d escaped the sewers and, in good news, weren’t immediately attacked by demons.

In bad news, they couldn’t move. The demon wizard, wearing a smirk and not much else, floated in the air a few paces from the manhole and used magic to snare them in some kind of air fist that prevented all movement. Vance’s eyes, however, still worked, and that meant he saw Sadie alive, naked, and bound to a picnic table.

It appeared they’d arrived in time to watch her die.


My day kept getting shittier. I’d gone from hogtied in a sewer to spreadeagle and bound to a picnic table. Naked, I should add. That fucking demon bastard had stripped me while chuckling, the slimy feel of his hands on my flesh leaving me repulsed and wishing he’d hurry and kill me. Seriously. I don’t think I’d ever shake the revolting reminder of his touch.

The picnic table appeared to be situated in some kind of a park. The damp air and soaked planks of the table indicated it had recently rained, but those clouds had since moved on. High in the sky, the moon looked full and bright, almost mocking me with its beauty. Why did bad shit have to happen under something so pretty?

The fat demon floated around me, flicking oil at my face. The droplets stung where they landed, but I didn’t give him the satisfaction of whining. I already knew how he’d react. When I’d protested his ripping of my clothes, he’d licked his bulbous lips and squeezed my boob. A good thing I’d be dying, else I’d have to cut it off.

Extreme? Not really. You’d understand if a demon ever groped you.

The fat fuck had begun chanting, some meaningless and guttural sounds that raised the hair on my body. When he paused, it was to slice the tip of my finger and squeeze some blood into a battered metal bowl. A chunk of my hair joined it. None of which bothered me as much as the giant blade he laid beside me. The blade he’d stroked lovingly as he lisped, “The edge is sharp and will slit your flesh cleanly when the time comes to spill your blood.”

Great. Maybe it would be like a paper cut, and I wouldn’t feel it right away.

Clang. The sudden metallic ring turned my head and drew the fat demon’s attention. He floated over to a manhole with its cover heaved aside. Detective Williams hauled himself out quickly and yet not fast enough to avoid the daemessorum freezing him. Cain, who emerged seconds after, suffered the same treatment.

Me, I blinked in astonishment at the fact they’d come to rescue me. I’ll be honest, I’d resigned myself to dying. Apparently, I would still die, given my two heroes were now just as bound as me.


The daemessorum sneered at my failed rescuers. “Did you really think a pair of reapers could take on Moloch’s best wizard?”

Vance growled, “You will perish this night.”

“Oh really?” taunted the demon. “And how do you figure that will happen? You don’t have the magic to fight me. A simple spell of binding and you’re both useless. Reapers don’t have magic. Never have. A strange curse of your kind that only the females can wield it and yet not see us when it’s dark.”

“Not entirely true, fuck face. I can see you,” I pointed out, drawing the attention of the demon to me.

“Because you are a rarity, messovenata. Why else do you think we need you? Only you have the blood needed to open a doorway to the place where Moloch is imprisoned.”

“Why was he imprisoned?” In the movies, keeping the bad guys talking gave the good guys a chance to figure out shit.

“Because the world couldn’t handle his greatness and so he was cast into Perditi and we, his demons, trapped without our king in Inferis. But that is about to change. Once Moloch is free, he will open a doorway and let all the legions pass through. We shall flood the world with darkness and stamp out the scourge that is humanity with few exceptions. Your puny reaper army and handful of witches will fall first.”

“Assuming it all works. I mean, what if I’m not this messovenata?” I argued.

“You cannot lie to me.” The fat fuck chuckled, and his rolls of lard jiggled. “You have both sides of the magic, the male and the female. Combined they form sangual, a powerful force that I shall harness.”

“Lucky me,” I muttered sarcastically. Why couldn’t I be special in a way that wouldn’t see her harmed?

“It is even more excellent for the Dark Lord. Your blood contains the key to his release, and once free, this world shall be ours.”

“Humans aren’t going to let demons run rampant. We have weapons. Technology. We will massacre you.” I tried to change his mind. Dumb, I know, but what else could I do?

“Humans will try, but we are legion, and when night falls, none will be safe.” A chilling statement to make. Before I could reply, the demon terrified me by grabbing the knife by my side. “It’s time. Ready to usher in a dark new world? Please say no. I’d love to hear you beg.”

I wanted to plead. Cry. Scream. I really didn’t want to die. Yet I knew anything I said would only feed the daemessorum’s perverse pleasure in the situation. Instead, I turned my head to look at the reapers who’d at least tried to save me.

Detective Williams grimaced and strained as if he could snap the bindings of magic, whereas Cain remained still and calm. His gaze met mine, intent as if he had something to say to me. A message I didn’t get. I’d never been good at reading people.

The demon saw where my attention went and barked, “They can’t save you. No one can.” Smugly spoken and meant to demoralize.

Despite the fucker’s insistence, I remained locked in a staring match with Cain, whose lips moved. He tried to tell me something, but I couldn’t decipher what he said.
