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I was making this up as I went…but I had to get access to that toilet. As inappropriate and ridiculous as it was.

But if I was willing to poke holes in a condom to use on a girl I’d just met…this seemed like the obvious next step if I was being honest.

“Walker, I thought we talked about boundaries in the bathroom,” she giggled as she pulled up her pants.

I lunged forward and tugged on her…before she had a chance to flush and realized there was a baggie spread out in the bowl.

I’d read that you couldn’t test diluted pee in water accurately, so a baggie to catch her pee was all I’d come up with.

And yes, I realized how fucking weird this was.

It would have been weirder though if I’d figured out a way to catch it fresh out of her…

Lord help me.

“Go on…I’m right behind you,” I urged.

“I’m just going to wash my hands first,” she said, turning on the water. I gave her like two seconds before I hurried her out the door and I stabbed the pregnancy test in the baggie, setting the timer on the phone.

“I don’t see anything?” her voice called.

“Keep watching!” I yelled, hoping I didn’t sound as crazy as I felt.

Had that been seven seconds yet? Some of the chat groups recommended longer than that.



I pulled the pregnancy test out and stabbed on the lid before stuffing it under my sink to check in three to five minutes.

Scrambling to dump the baggie, I flushed the toilet and then washed my hands before heading down the hallway to the living room where Olivia was standing in front of the TV.

“There was a news story about the resurgence of killer bees, and an injury report on the Dallas Cowboys…thrilling entertainment no doubt…but why exactly did you want me to see it?”

“Hmm, they said they were about to give updates on the team. I thought you’d be interested,” I lied through my teeth. Although, really, it wasn’t out of the realm of possibility. We were about to have our first game.

She frowned. “Oh, I should keep watching. Maybe it’s still coming,” she said, because she was such a fucking supportive sweetheart. I wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her back against me.

“Nah, I must have heard wrong. Don’t worry about it, angel face.”

She melted into my arms as I kissed her. “Go get ready,” I said, slapping her on her perfect ass.

“I think I’m going to heat up those breakfast burritos that Mrs. Bentley gave you. I’m obsessed. Do you want one?”

Cravings were a sign of pregnancy, right?

Although anyone would crave Mrs. Bentley’s burritos. They were the best thing in the world.

Well, second best thing. Obviously Olivia’s pussy took the top spot.

“Yes, please,” I purred, giving her another kiss before I slipped away to the bathroom to check the test.

Closing the door behind me, I stalked to the cabinet and pulled out the stick.

One blue line. One blue line…what did that mean again?

I pulled out the instructions and frowned.
