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Well…I had no problem with continuing to try. It happened to be my favorite thing to do actually.

Olivia Joneswasgoing to have my baby.

My brother had made it. He was living his dream.

That’s all I could think as we pulled into the AT&T parking lot and I saw the mass of people all here to see him…and the Sounds of Us of course.

But I was pretending all these people were just here to see my brother.

Adrenaline beat beneath my skin, the same jittery feeling I got before a big game. I’d seen him start in bars, summer festivals, and now he was here…

Fuck yes.

The air around us buzzed with anticipation as I helped Olivia out of the truck, my dick stirring with how hot she looked…evenwith the oversized glasses and hat she was using to try and stay incognito. She was wearing a tight leather miniskirt that showed off her mile long legs, and a crop top that literally had me drooling.

I wasn’t sure that the hat and sunglasses were going to do the job when you couldn’t help but stare at her because she was so fucking hot.

I adjusted my dick with my free hand and she had the nerve to smirk at my pain. Shehadstared at me for an extra long time when I’d come out with a backwards ball cap earlier though, and I’d probably given her a similar smirk. So I guess we were even.

We headed towards the VIP entrance where I could see Lincoln, Monroe, Ari, Blake…and Camden all gathered. ‘Hero’ was starting to grow on me…as long as he kept arms length from Olivia, of course.

“Are you okay?” I asked, checking in with her. She hated crowds, and I’d offered to miss the concert and stay home, but she’d wanted us to be there for Cole. She seemed to like the idea of supporting my family members. Probably because she’d never had anything like that. Parker and Cole had started on insisting she was on our FaceTime calls because the bastards liked to talk to her more than they liked to talk to me.

But it also made me really, really happy. As hard as it was for me to share, Olivia needed more people in her life who saw her magic.

“I’m good,” she promised, laying her head on my arm as we walked.

Fuck...I was the luckiest.

As soon as I had that thought, my phone buzzed and I pulled it out, frowning and deleting the text right away. It was from Jolette—the cunt. She was “congratulating” me for the recent pictures that had been posted of Olivia skating with me on center ice at the Dallas Knight’s family night.

My PI had been busy collecting everything I could on the two of them, like the doctors they’d paid off to write reports about Olivia’s condition. Jeff thought he was close to finding proof of some big skeletons of Marco’s as well.

I just hoped he could hurry the fuck up.

Olivia squeezed my hand, seeming nervous all of a sudden as we got to the group.

They all loved her already. Hence why we were now getting Tupperware containers filled with Mrs. Bentley’s burritos. Olivia still got nervous every time we hung out though, her brain programmed to believe she couldn’t have real friends.

“Olivia,” Ari crowed, striding forward with his arms outstretched. It took me a second to realize what he was doing, and I immediately pulled Olivia behind my body.

“What are you doing?” I asked, horrified. Wasn’t it a rule in the Circle of Trust, “Do Not Touch The Girl?”

Ari snorted, his arms still outstretched. “What’s going on, Walker? I’m just trying to hug one of my new best friends.”

“Lancaster, I’d rather you not die and make me be out on the ice for every second of the first game,” Camden tossed out, watching the interaction like it was funny.

This was not funny.

Lincoln was also grinning though. “My, how the turntables have turned,” he drawled.

Ari got sidetracked with that comment. “Turntables have turned? That was what you came up with?”

“It’s in ‘The Office’, it’s hilarious.”

Ari stared at Lincoln, disgusted. “Zero points for originality, Golden Boy. Go back to the drawing board.”
