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“Dance party?” Logan said, popping from behind a wall like a damn groundhog. He did a little shimmy like the words “dance party” got him going.

“We’re not doing a dance party,” I told Ari, and he chuckled like I’d said something funny.

Ari did a spin move. “Golden Boy, tell them all what a fantastic dancer I am.”

Lincoln was pulling on his jersey. “We’re not dancing. I—am not dancing.”

“No one likes a pooper, Linc,” Ari commented.

Lincoln raised an eyebrow.

“Sorry, scratch that. No one likes apartypooper. Knew I’d forgotten something there.”

Logan went over to the speaker system, and a second later, “Sexy Back” was blaring from the speakers. He immediately began doing some kind of hip move that I had no doubt Justin Timberlake would approve of.

“Fucking rookies,” Lincoln growled, going over to the system and pressing buttons.

“Hey!” Logan retorted.

“When you grow hair on your chin, you can pick a song, Rookie,” Camden drawled.

Logan scoffed. “Ugh, I can’t even comment on your hair, because you still have a head of luscious locks.”

Camden flipped his hair out of his face dramatically before frowning. “I’m not a fucking dinosaur, York!”

Logan raised an eyebrow condescendingly.

Camden flipped him off and the whole locker room erupted into laughter.

A second later, a club beat of “Love Story” filled the room.

“That’s what I’m talking about,” Ari crowed as he snapped his fingers and slid from side to side.

“Okay, I can get behind this,” Logan said as he resumed his smooth moves.

“We don’t really care, rookie,” Ari drawled.

The whole team was trying to show off, and I had a little foot tap going, some of my nerves drifting away.

After an entire season with Ari and Tay-Tay, this felt normal. That was kind of weird in and of itself.

Twenty-three grown ass men having a dance party to get themselves hyped.

“Come on, Disney. This is your jam,” Ari said, shaking his ass at me.

I glanced over at Lincoln who was leaning against the wall, a small, cool smirk on his lips as he watched everyone make an idiot of themselves.

“Ooooh, Golden Boy. I think you’re going to have to dance to make Walker feel better,” Ari commented, shimmying up to Lincoln.

Lincoln looked at him in disgust…and then finally sighed.

My jaw dropped when Lincoln unleashed a flurry of smooth, slick moves that left us all gaping in awe. He spun and twirled and I was mesmerized.

“Ugh, you disgust me,” Ari called out. “Now, Disney’s going to simp even harder.”

I was up now, because if Lincoln ‘Fucking’ Daniels was going to dance like an angel…I was going to dance too.

Camden whooped as I pulled out my electric slide and the moneymaker—the running man.
