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Coach Porter walked in and stared at us all, aghast. “Get your fucking heads in the game and get out to warm-ups,” he growled, shaking his head as he stormed towards the tunnel.

“You alright, Davis?” Lincoln asked, slapping me on the back. I nodded, feeling muchhh calmer after that nonsense. “That’s my goalie.”

I was fucking beaming as we made it out on the ice.

The game was about to start and I looked over to where Olivia was sitting with Blake and Monroe. She wasn’t wearing anydisguises this time around, and best of all…she was wearingmyjersey.

I immediately started thinking aboutafterthe game…when I was for sure going to fuck her in nothing but that jersey.

Don’t get hard now,Disney.

Fucking hell…I’d just referred to myself asDisney.

I blew her a kiss and she blushed, and unlike the last time she’d been sitting at one of my games…she didn’t flip me off.

What a difference a few months could make.

The puck dropped and we were off.

Midway through the first period, Denver executed a perfectly timed cross-ice pass, setting up a one-timer from the faceoff circle. As the puck came in, I kicked out my left leg in a sweeping motion, deflecting it away frommynet.

Ari slapped my head as he passed by. “Yes!” he yelled with a fist pump.

I grinned and glanced over to Olivia…just to make sure she was paying attention. She was on her feet screaming and clapping, perfect in every way.

What the hell…I glared at a guy near Olivia that was definitely staring at her ass. But of course, he didn’t notice he’d gotten my attention…my helmet made death glares a bit difficult.

The crowd roared with excitement as the puck flew back and forth across the ice. As Denver moved in again, Camden slammed one of the forwards into the glass, sending him sprawling to the ice afterwards.

“That’s a fucking cheap shot, asshole,” Clayton hissed as he scrambled to his feet. Camden’s grin was all teeth. “How’s it feel to be a fucking prick?”

“Let’s see…what am I feeling? It’s not bittersweet. Hmm. Oh, got it. It’s sweet.That’swhat I’m feeling,” said Camden.

I snorted and he gave me a wink before skating away.

“He is kind of dreamy, Disney,” Ari commented as he came up from behind me. “I’m going to tell Blake she’d better gird her loins.”

“What does that even mean?” I mused. “I hear it all the time. I think I fucking use it. But I have no idea what it means.”

“Hey, Golden Boy, what does ‘gird your loins’ mean,” he called out to Lincoln who was skating by to line up for a face off.

“It means get in your fucking spot, Lancaster,” he scowled, coming to a stop by the ref.

“Touchy, touchy. We’ll have to table that discussion. Just keep being a wall, Disney!” Ari yelled as he raced forward.

I checked on Olivia again, stiffening when I saw that the same guy was leaning in so close to her that she was having to lean into Blake to have some space.

“Walker!” Ari growled, and I glanced up to see a Denver forward skipping past Fredericks and bearing down on me, the puck hurtling towards the net. I lunged towards the puck, managing to snag it just inches before it could cross the goal line.

Holy fuck, that had been close.

The clock was ticking down the final seconds of the period. Ari sprinted down the ice with the puck on his stick. With a flick of his wrist, he sent the puck sailing across the ice toward Lincoln, who streaked forward, receiving the pass before sending it hurtling towards the goal.

The entire arena seemed to be holding its collective breath as the puck soared through the air. A second later, the goal light lit up as the puck collided with the back of the net right as the buzzer sounded, signaling the end of the period.

The crowd roared its approval. Lincoln raised his arms in triumph, a cocky grin spreading across his face before he skated over to Monroe, made a heart sign, and then pointed right at her just like he’d done since they’d started dating.

Only then was he swarmed by our teammates.
