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“Disney, stop simping after Golden Boy, and compliment me on my assist,” Ari snapped as we headed towards the bench.

“Should I give you an ass slap, Lancaster. Or what are you looking for?” I huffed as I glanced over to Olivia’s seat, happy that the guy was nowhere to be found.

“I love you,” I mouthed at her, and her smile about did me in.

“Oh shoot, let me help you with that,” Camden suddenly called out, picking up a foam finger that a little girl had dropped over the glass into the tunnel.

Logan rolled his eyes dramatically and pretended that he was throwing up.

“What?” Camden asked, when he noticed we were all waiting for him to move down the tunnel.

“Keep moving, Hero, I gotta piss,” Logan snarked.

“Just helping out the fans,” Camden said defensively.

“Sure, had nothing to do with the hot as fuck mom she had with her.”

Camden winked and Logan shook his head…all the way into the locker room for the break.

“Oh shit, does your coach know you’re out here,” Logan said in a shocked voice to the Denver guy he was facing off with.

I scoffed and he winked at me.

Cheeky little rookie.

We were halfway through the second period, still up by only one. But so far I hadn’t allowed a goal.

Logan won and took the goal down the ice, so I took a second to check on Olivia.

Seriously, what the fuck.

The guy was back. He wasagainsitting way too close. She was doing her best to pay attention to the game, but the fucker wouldn’t stop talking to her.

Crap, the puck was back on our side.

Denver took it behind the net, and I hugged the left pole, tracking the back and forth as our guys tried to get the puck back. A split second later the puck was on the edge of the crease, Denver trying to push it towards my backhand side. I quickly shifted my weight to cover the angle, snapping my glove down to grab the puck.

The crowd cheered, but my focus was back on Olivia, watching as the guy reached over and touched her fucking arm.

The ref blew the whistle, but instead of giving the puck back, I dropped it to the ice and then smashed it towards the glass with a forceful smack of my stick.

The guy jumped as the puck cracked against the barrier in front of him, his eyes wide in shock. Someone next to him said something and his gaze shot to mine. I ripped my helmet off and gave him my best death glare, making a cutting motion across my throat as I mouthed the words: "She's mine."

The guy's expression faltered, a mixture of fear and uncertainty flickering across his face. A second later he scrambled out of his seat and ran up the stairs, glancing back every couple of steps like he was afraid I was coming after him.


Olivia’s mouth was open, a cute little shocked expression on her face, and I winked at her before pulling my helmet back on to get back to the game.

My teammates were watching me, stunned.

All except Lincoln and Ari…who were…slow clapping for me?

“That’s how it’s done, Disney. True ‘Circle of Trust’ behavior right there. I mean, you might get suspended for threateningto end someone in a nationally syndicated program…but that is how it’s fucking DONE,” Ari whooped as he skated by.

The refs must have been too stunned to know what to do since I’m pretty sure nothing like that had happened in the history of the league…so play resumed.

The guy never came back and I was able to keep my head in the game, secure in knowing Olivia was safe from douchebags…for at least the rest of this game.
