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The afternoon sunlight filtered through the windows, bathing me in warmth as I sat on the couch, lost in my own thoughts as I prepared myself for when Walker got home in a little while.

And I told him he was going to be a daddy.

A sharp knock on the door startled me back to reality. Frowning, I rose from the couch and made my way to the door, thinking it was probably a package.

I glanced through the glass, seeing the outline of a woman. Freezing, I slowly peered through the peephole, panicking when I saw who it was.


“I can see you there. Open up the damn door, for fuck’s sake,” she snapped and I cringed, any gumption I carried with me rapidly shrinking at the idea of her presence.

I could do this though. I hadn’t seen her for months. It had given me time to build up a little armor. Right? This was probably just a check-in, a little reminder of who owned me.

I opened the door, resigning myself to misery for however long she decided to stay. Jolette stood on the doorstep, her coiffed hair and designer attire perfect as usual.

My stomach clenched as we took each other in.

"Jolette," I greeted her tersely, my voice carefully blank of any emotion. "You should have called.."

Jolette's lips curved into a sly smile, her gaze sweeping over me with a hint of disgust. "Just thought I'd drop by for a little in-person chat," she replied, pushing her way in. “Although I see I should have brought your dietician with me. You’re getting fat.”

Fuck you is what I wanted to say…but I kept quiet, knowing from experience that any pushback only made things worse.

And what if I made her mad and she decided to try and force me to leave?

I couldn’t leave Walker.

I wouldn’t.

Jolette sauntered in like she owned the place, her heels clicking against the hardwood floor as she took everything in.

I hated her here. I hated it even more than I’d hated it in L.A. This was my safe place. My sanctuary. Where Walker made love to me. She wasn’t supposed to be here. She would ruin it.

"So, what's this all about?" I asked, still trying to keep my tone neutral.

She turned to face me, her expression unreadable as she fixed me with a piercing gaze. "I was thinking we should start talking about a tour," she began, her voice measured and controlled. "Between your little romance with Walker, and your performance at the Sounds of Us concert, our phones have been ringing off the hook. It’s the perfect time to resurrect your career."

Panic spilled into my chest and I stared at the floor, not wanting her to see what I was thinking. As much as I’d enjoyed singing lately, as much fun as I’d had at the concert…there was no way I was ready to go back out on the road.

Especially considering…I was going to be a mom.

It took me a second to realize that Jolette had gone extremely quiet. Usually she’d already be screaming at me for not immediately agreeing with her. I glanced over to see what she was doing and…

She was staring at the table, where I’d laid the small plastic stick in preparation for Walker coming home. Recognition was dawning in her eyes, along with horror…and disgust.

Stupid. Stupid. Why hadn’t I hid it?

"What's this?" she demanded, her voice rising in pitch as she reached for the pregnancy test.

I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment as I struggled to come up with a response. "It''s nothing," I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper.

I reached for the test but before I could get to it, she snatched it up, holding it aloft like a damning piece of evidence.

"You're pregnant," she hissed, her eyes ablaze with fury. "How could you let this happen? How could you be so careless?"

I bristled at her accusatory tone, my own defensiveness rising to meet hers. "It's none of your business," I shot back, my voice trembling with indignation.

“We’re leaving. Right now,” she growled.
