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“We’ll make an appointment with the doctor. No one will know.” She reached for my arm like she was prepared to drag me out.

I backed out of reach.

“You think I’ve worked this hard to let you ruin everything! To let you have a baby? No!” she growled. “You’re getting rid of that thing…even if I have to stick a hanger in you and do it myself!”

“What? No!” My voice trembled as fear leached in. Staring at her, it wasn’t hard to believe she would do it. Knock me out and drag the baby out of me if it was the last thing she did. Her eyeswere crazed, her cheeks red and pinched. I covered my stomach protectively and backed away.

“You need to leave. I’m going to call the police!” I told her, backing towards the kitchen, where I’d left my phone on the bar.

Her laughter sliced through the air like shards of glass, each cruel note piercing my ears and settling like a weight in the pit of my stomach. “Like anyone will believe anything you have to say,” she hissed, taking a step toward me.


”Liv?” I called out the second I opened the garage door and stepped inside the house, eager to see Olivia after a fuckinggruelingpractice session.

I frowned as I walked down the hallway, hearing the murmur of voices. I’d checked the camera thirty minutes ago and no one had been here. No one was supposed to be here.

Turning the corner, I froze when I saw Jolette standing in the middle of the living room—Olivia a few feet away, cradling her stomach as she stared wide-eyed at her bitch of a mother.

It didn’t take a rocket scientist to realize I’d just stepped into a very tense conversation.

"What's going on here?" I demanded, as I crossed the room to stand in front of Olivia, not wanting Jolette to even be able to look at her.

Jolette's eyes narrowed, her face curling up in disgust, her tone laced with venom as she addressed me. "You know exactly what's going on. How dare you, you fucking piece of shit."

“Language,” I commented, still trying to figure out what was going on. My gaze dropped to her hand where she was clenching something…was that…?

I glanced behind me at Olivia who stared back at me with a wide-eyed pleading expression.

Guess the cat was out of the bag. She knew we were having a baby.

“This was not part of?—”

"How are those frozen accounts doing, Jolette?" I interjected before she could letanothercat out of the bag—one I was not interested in my pregnant soulmate learning about.

I watched with satisfaction as her face paled in response.

"They only left one open...right?"

Jolette's face aged ten years in a matter of seconds, and she sputtered in disbelief. "How did you?—"

“How did I?” I repeated mockingly. “The details aren’t really that important. Only that the judge is going to find all sorts of proof of fraud and misuse of those accounts. And…since you decided to piss me off…I think I’ll just go ahead and make sure that last account is closed too.” I pulled out my phone and sent off a text for Jeff to send more evidence to the lawyer I’d hired for Olivia. Based on how good the guy was, I would have Marco and Jolette completely cut off from Olivia’s money before the day was gone.

Jolette was scrambling to the door. “I’m leaving,” she said hoarsely. “There’s no reason to do something stupid.”

“Maybe you should have thought about that today beforeyoudid something stupid,” I called after her with a smug smile.

She threw open the door and lurched through it.

“Oh, and Jolette,” I called after her, making sure my voice carried to her. “That’s only the beginning. There’s plenty more fun where that came from.”

She threw me a look of complete terror before she literally scrambled down the road, one of her ridiculous heels breaking as she went. I watched her crash to the ground with a grin. Hopefully a car would hit her.

I closed the door and turned towards my girl.

Because we had something to celebrate.
