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“Have I ever told you you’re kind of odd for a Disney prince,” Ari commented as he skated by.

“I’m flipping you off right now,” I yelled after him, even though that was impossible with my gloves on.

Across the way, Seattle’s goalie was stretching and I glared, envisioning a million goals going past him, because if you didn’t think it, you couldn't manifest it.

Hmmm. Maybe I was a little weird.

I was also…the fucking best, I told myself as warm-ups continued.

Because again, positive thinking was key.

“You’re a wall, Disney. A fucking brick wall,” Ari told me as he skated by, obviously getting it.

I nodded, keeping my focus on Coach Markov, who, armed with a bucket of pucks, was testing my reflexes from every angle.

Warmups ended and I skated over to the bench to grab a water bottle, lifting up my helmet to spray it on my face.

“Let’s go, Disney,” Cole yelled from nearby. I groaned and put my best snarly face on as I glared at him through the glass. I had seats for the game that I’d given him, and he’d somehow filled three of the extra ones withchicks. They were hanging on him like he was a god. I groaned and he grinned and winked, the smug fuck.

Ari skated up beside me and grabbed some water. “This is going to be a good fucking time,” he yelled at the team and all of them lifted a glove and roared with him.

And then it was time.

The puck dropped, and the first period was underway. Seattle was known for their aggressive offense, and I braced myself for an onslaught of shots. The rink echoed with the sounds of skates cutting the ice and sticks clashing. Within thefirst minute, Seattle’s star forward burst through our defense, attempting a breakaway. I tracked his every move, staying square to the shooter. He released a quick wrist shot, but I snapped my glove hand out, snagging the puck mid-air. The crowd roared their approval.

Ari gave me a fist pump and I nodded at him, adrenaline spiking through my veins.

Moments later, a scramble in front of our net resulted in a point-blank shot. I dropped into the butterfly position, covering the lower portion of the net. Ryan Taylors, one of Seattle’s forwards, fired a low shot, aiming for the five-hole, but I sealed the gap with my pads, denying him any daylight. The rebound was quickly cleared by Ari.

As the period progressed, Seattle gained momentum, creating a flurry of chances. A wicked slap shot from the blue line rocketed toward the top corner of the net. I read the play, tracking the puck's trajectory. With a desperate leap, I reached out and snagged it with my glove, robbing the shooter of a goal.

Fucking hell. How many saves was that already?

“That’s my goalie,” Ari called, right before he stole the puck from Taylors.

With less than five minutes left in the first period, Seattle executed a swift breakaway. Their forward skated in alone, and I could feel the collective tension in the arena mounting. As he unleashed a shot, I reacted instinctively, positioning myself to make the save.

The puck struck me squarely in the chest, and I quickly smothered it, anticipating a whistle from the ref. But it fucking never came. Play continued, and Seattle regained possession.

"Hey stripes, the whistle ain't a dick, you can blow it,” Ari snarled as he knocked a player into the boards, struggling for the puck.

I snorted and shook my head.

But it was true. What the fuck.

The game continued, and with two minutes left, Sullivan made a sharp move towards Seattle’s net, attempting to cut through their defense. One of Seattle’s defensemen attempted to intercept the play but instead slammed Sullivan’s facemask with the blade of his stick.

The resounding crack of the impact echoed through the arena and refs were blowing their whistles immediately, signaling a penalty. The crowd roared, screaming “Shame,” over and over as the player skated to the penalty box.

Fucking loved when they did that.

It also meant it was powerplay time and I watched as Tommy skated towards the net, weaving in and out deftly despite his injured leg. He shot and…

Fuck yes. 1-0.

I stood at the net, getting ready for the second period, stretching my back and getting a drink of water. I was feeling antsy from all the adrenaline spiking through me.

I lived for this game.
