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I’d stopped every puck that came my way so far, and the anticipation was building as we inched closer to securing our playoff spot.

Hopefully Lincoln was coming through for us.

Not that I doubted him for a second.

That man was a god after all.

Ari shot me a thumbs up as he skated by and I readied myself for the next period to begin. “Good fucking job, Disney. Circle of trust behavior for sure.”

I rolled my eyes, but I was feeling pretty proud of myself. I was a shoo-in for the Circle of Trust.

If it was actually a thing.

Hadn’t quite figured that out yet.

I took in the crowd for a minute, listening to the cheers and the trash talk. My mom was big about taking in the moment. She always said that she wished she had taken in more of the small moments with Dad.

Fucking hell, why am I thinking about that?

I turned my focus back to the crowd and there was a distinct, piercing voice that cut through the noise. “You fucking suck, Davis!”

I mean, I’d heard that a million times. Fans trash talked me all the fucking time obviously…but something had me turning my head.

And there she was, standing on the other side of the glass.

Our eyes locked.


I felt lightheaded as I stared at her, the world rearranging around me until all I could see…all I could feel…was her. I had no idea who she was. But for a heartbeat, I forgot about the game, the score…the pressure. I was entranced. Nothing else mattered.

I stared at her angelic face in blind amazement until I lost my mind and I blew her a kiss, watching in awe as her gorgeous face screwed up in disgust, gold flecked eyes unaware that she’d just changed my fucking world.

The buzzer sounded and I reluctantly dragged my gaze away from hers and towards the action happening on the other side of the ice, feeling like I was going to choke with all the nervous energy I was experiencing.

What if she left? What if I never knew who she was?

Fucking hell.

It felt like I would die if that happened. And yes, I was well aware I was being crazy.

“All good, Walk?” Ari called as he slid by.

I nodded, words escaping me at the moment.

"Hey Davis, anyone ever tell you you're just like a tampon? Only good for one period,” Taylors called as he skated by.

“Heard you were the worst player on your last team too, asswipe,” Ari said to Taylors through gritted teeth, knocking him in the boards before he stole the puck from him.

I loved that guy.

When the puck was safely on the other side, I dared to glance behind me to the beautiful girl who’d just rewritten my fucking stars. She wasn’t paying any attention to me. Her focus was on what was happening on the other side of the ice.

She had no idea what she’d just done.

But she would.

“Walker!” someone choked out, and I pulled my attention back to the game.
