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A faint moan was like music to my ears, and I rushed to Olivia's side as shefinallystirred awake. Relief flooding me as I saw her beautiful eyes flutter open.

I gently laid my head on her chest, listening to the steady rhythm of her heartbeat.

“Please don’t ever leave me,” I murmured into her skin, an ache in my voice that I couldn’t hide.

“I’m okay,” she said in a groggy voice as she touched my hair, softly stroking it. I closed my eyes, trying to reassure myself…she was okay. She was here.

I’d never allow her to go somewhere I couldn’t follow.


The door opened and a doctor popped her head in. “Oh good, you’re awake,” she said warmly, stepping inside. The woman had a kind smile with silver streaked hair that was pulled back into a neat bun, and I didn’t immediately want to throw her out for getting near Olivia.

So I guess that was a good sign.

“My name is Dr. Rochelle. How are you feeling?” she asked as I held a cup of water up to Olivia’s lips for her to sip.

‘Tired,” Olivia answered before she glanced at me. “How long was I out?”

“Two hours,” I responded shakily, not wanting to think about that fact, or else I might go crazy.

Or at least crazier than I already was.

"Well, your vitals look great. I’m not worried at all,” the doctor reassured. “Would you like to see your baby before we get you out of here?" Her eyes twinkled with excitement.

I blinked, my mind trying to wrap around what she’d just asked.

“Yes!” Olivia said, anticipation threaded through her voice as she shifted in the bed.

“I’ll help you!” I insisted quickly, jumping up to pick her up.

“I’m fine,” she murmured. “I’m just tired, remember?”

I forced myself to sit back down even though all I really wanted to do was grab her and pull her into my lap.

Calm down, Walker. The doctor is looking at you like she’s concerned.

"So, Olivia," Dr. Rachelle started, her tone gentle yet probing, "How long has it been since your last period?"

Olivia bit her lip, a furrow forming between her brows as she thought back. "I think at least two months…maybe more," she finally replied, her voice slightly strained. "It's been a busy fall. I guess I got distracted.”

Olivia was right. She’d missed two periods. I would know…I’d been tracking her cycle religiously for months. If she wasn’t pregnant, her period would have been about to start.

The doctor nodded sympathetically, jotting down notes on her clipboard. "Understandable," she murmured, clearing her throat. “Your records say Olivia Jones…but you’re Olivia Darling, aren’t you?” Olivia stiffened before finally nodding. “Yes, that’s my stage name,” she finally answered.

The doctor nodded again, looking kind of like one of those bobble head dolls since she’d been doing it so much. "And were you using any form of birth control during this time?"

Olivia frowned. "Yes, and I took it religiously…but I guess it didn’t work."

“Strong swimmers,” I joked, but neither Olivia nor the doctor laughed.

Tough crowd.

“Well, birth control methods aren't always 100% effective, but it's still unusual. Can you tell me which one you were using, so we try another one next time?"

“They are still in my purse actually. Did you bring it in by chance?” Olivia asked, turning towards me. “I had put it in the car before…everything.”

I froze, pure panic hitting me with a jolt. Her pills were in her purse.
