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The doctor was going to take one look andknow.

I slowly reached for her bag, feeling like there was a ticking time bomb attached to every move I made. “Here you go, baby,” I said lightly, proud of myself for keeping my voice so controlled.

She rummaged through it, eventually finding the little birth control packet.

My hand slipped into my pocket. I’d started doing a slightly weird thing when I’d begun working towards her pregnancy…I’d taken to carrying…handcuffs.

Although there were only three people in the world who knew what I’d done, Lincoln had drilled into my head that you never knew when things could fall apart.

For example…this was not a situation I’d ever envisioned—our baby doctor about to blow my whole scheme.

I was fully prepared if it came down to it, to handcuff Olivia to me…until eventually she just gave up and decided to love me despite what I’d done.

Not an ideal situation, but beggars couldn’t be choosers. There was no scenario where she and that baby weren’t mine.

I rubbed the metal of the cuffs, my nerves practically vibrating with tension as the doctor took the packet from Olivia. “This is usually a very dependable brand,” she murmured. Popping one of the pills out of the package, she examined it closely. "Hmmm. These are all placebo pills," she remarked, her surprise evident in her voice.

The place I’d bought them from was very good. Everything was sealed, in the same packaging as the regular pills. So there would be no evidence it had been tampered with.

They just happened to be the sugar pills you were supposed to take the last seven days of the month.

Blank. I was a blank slate, I told myself.

“What?” Olivia whispered. She turned to me, her gaze wide. “Can you believe this?!”

A bead of sweat rolled down my back.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I opened my mouth, and then closed it, swallowing the bitter taste flooding my taste buds as I feigned surprise. “I can’t believe it!”

There, that sounded shocked…right?

I watched Olivia’s body language closely, trying to read into what she was thinking.

The doctor leaned in close, like she was telling her a secret, and I wondered for a second if I was going to have to knock her out and then kidnap Olivia.

What was a traumatic brain injury in the name of true love?

“Mistakes happen,” Dr Rochelle said in a low tone, “but between you and me, you probably have averygood chance at winning in a lawsuit against whatever pharmacy filled this. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

Olivia nodded, staying quiet.

What the fuck was she thinking? Should I just get the cuffs out now?

She glanced at me again…and then winced. “I swear I had no idea. I’ve never paid attention to what my birth control pills have looked like before. I’m an idiot.”

I immediately relaxed, loosening my grip on the cuffs as I used my other hand to softly stroke her cheek.

“It was meant to be. All that manifesting worked like a charm,” I said with a wink.

Her grin was blinding and perfect and…she didn’t suspect a thing.

“I don’t think we need to sue the pharmacy though, Doc. I’m not sure they award damages for beingblissfully happyabout something,” I drawled.

The doctor’s cheeks blushed and Olivia rolled her eyes at me because evidently…Dr. Rochelle had a little crush.

Which was honestly great because that meant she didn’t suspect a thing either.
