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Camden: I think the question is, do you know your role…because I’m not going anywhere near your wife’s cervix.

Ari: I have a horrified look on my face right now.

King Linc: Me too.

Me: Stay away from my wife’s cervix, Camden.

Ari: You’ve been docked ten points for that comment.

Camden: Wait, what’s the point system for?

Me: Can we focus?

King Linc: Good fucking hell. I will handle this. Okay, Olivia’s water breaks while you’re at practice, Disney, and you get the call. What do you do?

Ari: Monroe is driving her to the hospital in this scenario by the way.

King Linc: Wait, why is Monroe at Walker’s house?

Ari: Well, in this scenario, it’s more of Olivia’s house because Walker’s not there, right? So you can probably hold off on the jealous caveman routine.

Camden: Can I remind everyone that this is a fake scenario we’re discussing.

Me: Thank you, Hero.

Ari: But eventually it will be real, so we better have Blake drive Olivia. I can sacrifice for the greater good for my bestie.

Me: Aww, you called me your bestie.

Ari: I was talking about Olivia of course, Disney. It’s like you don’t even know me.


“What are you guys talking about?” Olivia asked absentmindedly as she stared at the contents of the fridge, her nose wrinkled as she found its contents lacking. “I think you’ve snorted five times in the last minute.”

“Planning for the baby, of course,” I said, setting the phone down and walking up to her so I could hold her belly for a second. I couldn’t get enough. “How are you feeling, angel face? Want me to take you to get something?”

She pouted and I kissed her, because how could I resist? I grabbed her hand, tangling my fingers with hers, the feel of her wedding ring soothing something inside me. The ring was soothing in two ways actually. It represented that she was mine, obviously, but it also had a tracker so I knew where she was at all times…just in case the cameras throughout the house and in the cars, and the 24/7 female bodyguards I had on duty somehow lost her.

“I’m hungry, but I’m full. I’m tired, but I can’t sleep. I’m a little ridiculous at this point,” she said with a sigh, leaning her forehead against my chest.

Something wet suddenly splashed my foot.

I glanced at the floor, wondering what it was, when Olivia’s grip tightened on my hand.

“Walker,” she murmured in a slightly dazed…but excited voice.

“Yeah baby?” I asked, seeing a small puddle on the floor.

“It’s probably time to go to the hospital.”

I glanced at her face in shock. “What! Why? What’s wrong?”

A gorgeous grin spread across her lips. “My water just broke.”

As Olivia's contractions intensified, each wave of pain seemed to grip her entire body, contorting her face into a mask of agony. Her nails dug into my hand, her knuckles turning white from the strain as she fought to endure the relentless onslaught of pain.

I stood by her side, helpless and filled with a sense of urgency, my heart pounding in my chest with each labored breath she took. Beads of sweat formed on her brow, her breaths coming in ragged gasps as she pushed with all her might, her body trembling with the effort.
