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"Keep going, angel," I urged, my voice laced with desperation as I reached out to grasp her hand tightly. "You're doing great. Just a little bit more."

Olivia's cries filled the room, mingling with the beeping of the monitors and the hushed whispers of the medical staff. Her body arched with each contraction, her muscles straining as she fought to bring our daughter into the world.

I fucking hated this. I was rethinking my wholebreed Olivia kink, because seeing her like this was one of the most fucking terrible things I’d ever seen.

And then, a cry pierced the air, sharp and piercing…andeverything.

“Olivia and Walker, you have a daughter,” Dr. Rochelle cooed, a huge smile on her face as she cradled our beautiful,tinydaughter in her arms.

I sobbed. Big tears streamed down my face because the two most beautiful things that had ever been created were in this room with me right then.

Olivia collapsed back onto the bed, her chest heaving with exhaustion as she gazed down at our daughter with her owntear-filled eyes, her face awash with a mixture of exhaustion and overwhelming love. She reached out a trembling hand, her fingers brushing against our daughter's cheek.

“Look at what you gave me,” I whispered, smoothing her sweat soaked forehead as the doctor laid our daughter against Olivia’s chest. “Look at our perfect little…”

“Isabella,” she finished, saying our daughter’s name for the very first time.

“Isabella,” I repeated, murmuring the name in awe, my heart feeling like it might burst out of my chest as my arms wrapped around the new addition to my perfect world.



Camden: I’m here with the chicken tenders Olivia wanted.

Me: You really are a hero, Hero. I’ll be out in a second.

Igot out of my seat and stretched, a smile automatically hitting my lips as I stared at Olivia and our baby girl sleeping in the hospital bed in front of me.

Olivia’s eyes flew open like she’d felt me watching her.

“Hi,” she murmured tiredly, a rockstar if there ever was one. Seeing her be a mom…well, let’s say I was rethinking the ban on more children I’d instigated while I watched her during labor.

“Camden’s here with the chicken tenders you wanted. I’m going to go out and grab it.”

“Cain’s chicken tenders?” she whispered excitedly, her eyes lighting up like I’d just promised her diamonds.

“Yes, Cain’s chicken tenders,” I told her, hoping Camden had listened to that part of my directive.

Twenty points off his circle of trust application if he didn’t.

I brushed a kiss against Olivia’s forehead, taking one more second to take them in as she started to softly sing to Isabella.

It was all I could do to force myself to leave the room.

Hopefully with the cameras I had in all corners of the room…and Elaine’s presence by the door…I could make it down to the lobby and keep at least some of my sanity.

I’d given up on keeping itall.

Olivia + Isabella meant I was basically a psychopath 24/7.

Camden was sitting in a chair in the corner, staring at something on his phone when I got to the lobby. I was a little surprised that the guy wasn’t at the front desk, flirting with reception, or helping organize medical supplies—with him it could usually go either way.

“Please tell me that’s Cain’s chicken you have in that bag,” I drawled, staring at the cooler bag on the seat next to him.

“Wouldn’t dream of messing up Olivia’s order,” he grinned, unzipping it and showing off a tray of chicken tenders, fries, and Cain’s sauce.

“Ten points to Camden,” I said dramatically, and he huffed.
