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Phew, that thought was actually terrifying. My dick went down…at least a little bit.

“Stunna,” another of my teammates called out, but I couldn’t give them my attention even if I tried.

Look, the amount of times I’d gone streaking in my life was not something I was proud of or would ever admit. Guys are idiots, and streaking came with the idiot territory.

But this was actually torture. I’d already taken off my pads while we’d been watching the Dallas game, but it was still a process to get the rest of my fucking clothes off.

I turned away from everyone and undid my pants, pulling off my jock strap and cup and sliding the yellow and purple sock on my cock, because that obviously had to be done first. Thank fuck it was a proper size.

Herculeshad to be taken care of.

The pants came all the way off and there I was, standing in my skates with nothing but a striped sock on.

I turned around and her eyes widened, a rosy glow hitting her cheeks. Her gaze was focused on my socked cock, and her mouth dropped open.

That was a good sign.

Well, I thought it was. Or she could just be embarrassed for me. I tried not to think about that.

Also…I was pretty sure there was nothing to be embarrassed about.

Violet made a choking sound and she swayed in place.

Fuck, no. Maybe she was thinking I was hideous? I mean, I’d never had confidence issues before. But I was experiencing them now.

I swung by Sam and grabbed the bottle of Jack out of his hand while I made my loop around the ice, my teammates cheering and yelling ridiculous things as I skated.

Was this real life right now?

Also, if anyone was recording this, I was going to break my stick over their head.

Except Violet. She could record it for her spank bank if she wanted.

Streaking around the ice, butt-naked, with a bottle of Jack in hand? It had to be the most ridiculous bet I'd ever agreed to.

I really hoped that fucking Coach didn’t come out and see this.

The cold air hit my skin as I skated, and I shook my head as my idiotic teammates howled with laughter and threw their jerseys onto the ice as if it were some kind of bizarre approval ceremony.

"No shrinkage!" one of them yelled, and I rolled my eyes as I glided past.

I mean, even if I did have shrinkage…I’d still be bigger than all ofthem.

I took a long swig to drown the growing embarrassment. The fiery burn in my throat seemed to offset the chill, or maybe that was just the alcohol messing with my senses.

Violet had her hands in front of her mouth, and her body was shaking as she laughed at me.

"Having fun?" I called out to her, trying to sound casual despite the fact that I was skating around in my birthday suit.

She nodded, bending over as her laughter increased. "This is really weird," she finally giggled.

I stuck my tongue out at her as I passed, shaking my ass a bit for good measure. But that made my dick swing, which made the situation even more embarrassing.

One more lap and I called it. Honestly, I couldn’t even remember all the terms of the bet, but I was done.

If they wanted more, they could go get Ari.

The guys hooted and hollered for a bit longer before someone yelled something about shots and they filed off the ice.
