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And then…it was just Violet and I.

She was standing where I’d set her down, her arms wrapped around her body…shivering.

“Fuck, sweetheart,” I murmured, rushing over…only to remember that I was just wearing a cock sock when her eyes widened.

“Right…give me one second and then we can get off the ice and get warm,” I told her hurriedly, grabbing my stuff and almost falling over as I tried to put on clothes.

In my hurry to try and put pants on…my sock got pulled off.

“Holy dick,” she breathed as my dick popped into view and, to my horror, I got an erection.

“Fuck. I’m sorry!” I screeched.

She squeaked and covered her eyes as I scrambled to put something over my dick.

But then I did fucking slip, my skates going over my head as I fell to the ice, my dick flopping around at half mast for her to see.

“I’m sorry!” I screamed, a note of hysteria in my voice.

“I mean, congratulations,” she sputtered, waving the hand around that wasn’t covering her eyes. “That’s, really, big. It’s a big…deal…fuck.” Her words gave out in an embarrassed whisper.

Look, I wasn’t exactly Mr. Cool twenty four seven.

But I had never,neverin my life done anything as remotely awkward and humiliating as what was happening right now.

And in front of the girl I was desperately trying to impress…and keep.

Violet still had her hands in front of her eyes as I struggled to my feet and spun around so my dick was out of sight. A minute later I’d managed to get my pants, and my shirt on.

“Is it safe?” she called out, and I snorted. I could just see it now in the headlines…”Marked safe from Walker Davis’s freakishly huge dick.”

“I’m dressed,” I answered instead. Because she wasn’t safe from my dick.

Not by a long shot.

She slowly lowered her hands like she was expecting me to have lied and still be prancing around with my dick out.

“I can’t say, in my wildest dreams…did I imagine tonight going like this,” she mused.

I laughed, pushing my hair out of my face. “I would agree with you on that—your first time seeing my cock should have been a much less shameful experience.”

She flushed and I examined her for a moment, noting the perfect pinkness of her lips, trying to ignore the lust licking at my veins. Her gaze flicked down to my…pants…like she was afraidHerculeswas going to make an appearance again.

Fortunately, he was locked up tight.

Violet’s cheeks were still rosy and embarrassed…almost like she hadn’t seen very many dicks in her life.

I studied her closer, unable to stop myself. Her face was bare of the heavy makeup most girls I knew wore. And she looked young.


Really young…

I bit my lip, a roar of satisfaction in my gut at the way she tracked the movement.

“You’re legal…right?” I finally blurted out, not sure for the first time in my life if I really cared. We could move to North Carolina.

Violet snorted. “Yes,” she said, like the question was funny. But she didn’t tell me how old she was.
