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The moment felt heavy, like we both knew we were on the precipice of something big, standing on the edge and waiting to dive off into the unknown.

I hopped out of the truck and raced around, like my life depended on her not opening the door for herself.

Fuck, I really was a fucking simp.

I caught the door just as she tried to open it, and then I helped her out of the vehicle.

The same silence followed us into the elevator, and up as the floors beeped by. I tapped my foot nervously. Had I cleaned up my clothes? Put my dishes in the sink? Had Cole done anything stupid while I was getting ready?

He was known for that.

I opened my mouth to warn her, but decided that would just be worse.

The doors slid open, revealing the giant living room that looked out onto the L.A. skyline.

“Wow, that’s quite a view,” she whispered, her gaze intent on the skyline showing from the floor to ceiling windows—the whole reason I rented this fucking place.

“I hate feeling caged in. I grew up on a farm with nothing but rolling hills for miles. This was the best I could do while staying close to the arena,” I explained as I watched her look out with an almost…devastated look on her face.

“Please stop. I—I don’t need to know any of those things about you. Whatever this is. It’s just for tonight,” she finally snapped in a hard voice far different than how she’d been sounding. Violet wouldn’t look at me, her gaze was glued ahead of her. “You don’t need to know me. I don’t need to know you. I—my life is complicated. I just want…tonight.”

My chest tightened as Olivia's words sank in.

Just one night?

It was as if the ground had been ripped out from beneath my feet, leaving me stumbling.

I’d never been more sure of anything in my life than I was in our connection.

How could she give up on us so easily, before we’d even had a chance to truly begin? Didn't she feel this—this thing between us?

It was a once in a lifetime kind of feeling…anyone would realize that.

I took a deep breath, fighting against the surge of frustration in my gut. Why was she making this seem like nothing?

This was real, raw, and unyielding, a force of nature that defied logic and reason.

This waseverything.

What usually would be a hockey dick’s favorite thing to hear was actually the second most fucking awful thing I’d ever heard in my life.

I didn’t think about what was number one on that list. Because unlike what she’d just said, there was nothing I could do to change that.

I gently turned her chin so she had no choice but to look at me.

“If tonight’s all I get, then I’d better make it good,” I whispered, memorizing the way she nuzzled into my hand like she couldn’t help herself. She could say whatever she wanted, but she was affected by me. Her body was telling me what her heart didn’t want to.

Grabbing her hand, I led her to my bedroom. I had planned for champagne or wine…maybe some pre sex snacks because I always performed best when I wasn’t starving.

But that didn’t fit the vibe she was giving me.

So straight to sex it was.

Hercules, don’t fail me now.

“Condom,” she murmured, glancing around my bedroom once I’d led her inside. She was pulling on the jersey, obviously uncomfortable, everything about her saying that she could choose to bolt any minute.

“They’re in the bathroom…I’ll be right back,” I told her, leaving out the “please don’t leave,” I wanted to throw in there.
