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I waved his question away. “Not important,” I answered as I stood up. “Alright, let me just put my number in your phone. You can text me all the info. I’ll pay for my tux since it’s such late notice, of course.” He didn’t even glance up as I grabbed his phone from the couch. He just continued to stare desolately at the floor. I typed in my number and tossed him the phone.

“Is there anything I can give you to convince you to delete that,” he whispered as he finally glanced up at me pleadingly, his entire body shaking.

“Just don’t fuck this up and there won’t be any issues,” I said sweetly as I strode toward the door. “What time’s the first event?” I called over my shoulder.

When there was only silence, I stopped and turned around, my lip curling as I gave him my scariest glare. “If you do anything to fuck this up for me…if you even think about mentioning it to another person…or trying to block me from the wedding…I’ll send this video to every news outlet in the country. Have I made myself clear?” My voice came out cold and a little scary, and man—I wish Linc could have seen me now.

“There won’t be any issues,” Harley murmured, his entire body slumped over like he was in physical pain.

“Great!” I said brightly. “And again,hugecongrats on the wedding. It’s going to be the best weekend ever.”

I strolled out of the house, making it down the sidewalk and back into the truck right as Maddie got home.

Perfect timing.

Ari was grinning at me through the windows as I went around the truck to hop in.

“I’m like a proud papa, Linc. Look at our boy, just out in the world, blackmailing people like a psychopath,” he gushed as soon as I’d gotten in.

I blinked. “Lincoln’s still on the phone?”

“I’ve hung up five times,” Lincoln growled through the speaker. “But he keeps on texting me 9-1-1, and I keep thinking you’ve been arrested or something.”

Awww. I was a little emotional. I think Lincoln Daniels likes me.

“Don’t get any ideas, Disney. Golden Boy is stillmybest friend.”

I smirked. “I would never…but I think I’m your best friend too.”

Ari scoffed like such an idea was preposterous. “Possibly, Disney. Possibly,” he finally said, and I did an internal fist pump.

“So will you be attending a certain wedding in two weeks?” Lincoln asked. “We need details here.”

“Iwillbe attending the wedding. As a motherfucking groomsman, baby. With my girl. Fuck yeah.”

Ari made a loud whooping sound that reverberated through the cab of the truck.

“Linc, I’m just asking…do you have some kind of secret room out there filled with things to blackmail people with?” I asked.

There was a long silence.

“Is he still there?” I asked Ari, who was nodding his head to whatever Justin Bieber song he’d just put on.

“Hmm? Oh…yep, he hung up. Those kinds of questions areprivileged, Walk. You can’t just ask them.”

I cast him a perplexed look, but he wasn’t paying any attention, he had a video up of Blake playing with their dog, Waldo, and he was watching it avidly.

I would examine why I no longer thought that was weird behavior at another time.

But not right now.

I had a wedding weekend to plan.



Stepping onto the private plane felt like freedom.
