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And freedom…felt fucking great.

Even the bodyguard sitting nearby couldn’t ruin my mood. Despite the fact that his main job was to make sure I wasn’t doing anything Jolette and Marco wouldn’t want, rather than to keep me safe.

He was at least the silent type.

Settling into a leather chair, I pulled out my headphones and settled in for the ride, watching the L.A. skyline disappear from view.

I wished that I could say goodbye to it…permanently.

I’d once thought L.A. was the most magical city on earth. I’d thought it was the key to making Jolette’s dreams for me come true.

I hadn’t realized that it would become my prison.

Not even its sunshine and palm trees could outweigh that.

It would be good to get away. I had gotten used to living in a cage, and that was not good.

Not good at all.

Since I was having a moment…I let my thoughts drift to…that night.

I’d gotten off more times than I’d like to admit to those memories. And with Mr. Hulk Wannabe watching my every move, now wasn’t the time to get turned on.

But the way Walker had looked at me.

“Would you like some coffee, ma’am?” a voice asked.

I startled in my seat and turned towards the flight attendant who was standing in the aisle with a tray. The smell of coffee washed over me.

“You wouldn’t happen to have a shit load of creamer and vanilla syrup…would you?” I asked hopefully.

She winced and sneaked a side eye at Mr. Sir Hulk A Lot who was pretending not to listen to us. “It’s not on the approved list for the flight, ma’am,” she murmured, not looking me in the eye.

“That’s fine,” I said in a fake, weirdly high voice. For a minute I’d gotten carried away…thinking this weekend was something it wasn’t. Being reminded of Jolette’s approved list of foods when I was on official “Olivia Darling” business was just what I needed to make sure I didn’t forget myself.

“Sorry,” she whispered as she set down the mug full of tar black coffee on the table in front of me.

I didn’t touch it.

A few minutes later she came back with a covered tray. “Your egg white omelet and salad, ma’am,” she murmured, casting a furtive glance at my keeper once again.

“Thanks,” I muttered, as she slid another cup of coffee next to the tray even though I still had a full mug in front of me.

“I—” I began, before noticing that the new cup was a creamy tan color, signifying it was loaded with all my favorite things.

I glanced up at her and she winked at me as she casually walked back up the aisle with the other coffee cup.

A tear slid down my cheek.

I let myself feel it for a moment, that small glimmer of kindness. Let it soak into my sorrow filled veins, gold tinged, with the capacity to bleat out some of my pain.

And then I wiped it away.

Picking up the mug, there was a small smile on my lips for at least another hour.

Maybe this weekend could be what I dreamed after all.

The humid heat of Dallas was a balm on my skin, washing over me like a warm blanket as I stepped down the stairs and walked towards the waiting car. Stepping onto the tarmac felt surreal.
