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Marco had figured it would be a bigger deal if it was announced last minute, that it would make people terrified they would be missing out if they didn’t drop everything to go to a “once in a lifetime” concert. “Olivia Darling”, practically back from the dead.

It was amazing how fast being back in the headlines could make people connect the dots. Literally no one had recognized me all weekend. And now, as I was dancing with Walker, it felt like everyone was staring, like everyone was talking about me.

That familiar itch under my skin began. The one that made me want to claw at my flesh until it was unrecognizable…

Someone’s phone flashed nearby and I shrank against Walker’s chest, like somehow he could protect me from what was about to happen.

“News spreads fast,” Walker murmured, slipping his phone out of his tux and staring at it. I’d told him about the concert yesterday so the news wasn’t a surprise.

“Don’t google my name,” I begged under my breath. “You won’t like what you see.”

He huffed as if I was being ridiculous. “I’ve had Google alerts on you from the second I discovered who you were. There’s nothing about you I don’t want to know, that would change my mind.”

Now I was the one laughing. But the sound of my voice was harsh and sarcastic. “We’ll see about that.”

He squeezed me tighter against him, like his embrace could prove me wrong.

I closed my eyes, forcing myself to pretend that they weren’t all staring at me. It had been a beautiful ceremony. Maddie and Harley had cried the entire time. And Walker, looking like adream in his tux, had stared at me throughout it, like he was making the same vows that they’d made to each other.

Or at least that's what a deranged part of me was imagining. The one that was more and more desperate to keep him with every passing hour.

I’d stay like this for a little longer, stay in his bubble and pretend like tomorrow’s concert wasn’t going to change everything.

“You’re not doubting me, right?” he said suddenly, anxiety sharp in his voice.

“I don’t know what I’m feeling at the moment,” I told him, keeping my face nestled in his chest. “Or at least I don’t know what I’m feeling besides dread.”

“I was hoping that my little reveal last night would make you feel better today.”

I snorted, as his “little reveal” pressed into my stomach. Walker’s dick was a sight to behold on a regular day. But seeing my name beaded down the underside of his length…well, I still wasn’t sure about that.

I’d never heard of something like that before. I especially didn’t know what to think about the fact that he’d done that after only one night with me.

I wasn’tthatimpressive in bed.

The psycho part of me did feel much better about the reveal though. The part of me that was desperate for someone to love me…to want me—that part of me loved the fact that he’d done something so permanent, so outlandish to himself.

The psycho part of me needed obsession. And your name on someone’s dick had to be the definition of that.

“I’m still analyzing how I feel about your…friendship beads,” I finally teased, and he wrapped me tighter, like he was afraid I would run away.

“Can I cut in?” a deep voice said from behind me.

“No,” Walker responded succinctly, keeping me plastered against him.

I glanced back to see it was that guy that had tried to talk to me at the engagement party—the one on Harley’s team. What was his name again?

“Come on, man. Give the rest of us a shot with her. Olivia Darling’s never been a one man kind of girl anyway.”

I froze at that, irrational hurt and embarrassment flooding my chest. Here we go again. I guess two years wasn’t enough to make people forget all the rumors about me.

It took me a second to realize the way Walker had stiffened as well.

“What the fuck did you just say?” he hissed, his voice dark and…a little terrifying.

I hadn’t heard that tone from him before.

Walker pulled me to his side, still keeping me tucked under one arm.
