Page 10 of Her Alien Healers

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The winds of change had already scattered the knowledge of the nanotech across the sector. There was no stopping it, but the rule was still in place—at least for now. A growing number of beings wanted it struck down, and he agreed with them.

“Of course. I should have considered that,” Vixi said, slightly chagrined. “Shall I call for a transport?”

“No transport needed. I’ll walk. It’s a lovely night,” Jody said and rose to her feet.

Once again, he was reminded that her personality was bigger than her physical body, at least to him. Vixi had informed him that Jody was tall for a human female, but to him, she seemed small.

Tariq stood as well. “We will escort you home, Jody.”

The declaration caught him off guard. Not that he was opposed to the idea, but it wasn’t what he’d expected from his anrik.

“It would be our honor,” Sulat said.

“I’ll be fine. Haven is the safest place I’ve lived in over ten years.” Jody raised a hand to wave off their offer but then hesitated. “But I wouldn’t mind having company, though. I haven’t had much time to learn the layout of this place. I confess I’ve gotten lost more than once.”

Vixi’s face scrunched up with in confusion. “How could that happen? Your comm unit has a map function. Doesn’t it?”

“It does. But if I relied on tech to accomplish everything, I wouldn’t learn much. Would I?”

It was an interesting question. Like the rest of his species, Sulat had been born with a body full of nanotech. As an adult, he now had additional tech implanted—including a subdermal comm unit and a translation matrix. Flying was the only time he spent away from most of the day-to-day technology that enhanced his life in a thousand ways.

“Does this mean you don’t intend to accept the nanotech treatment if it’s offered to you?” Tariq asked.

“I don’t know. As much as I am enjoying this place, it’s not my home. Not yet, anyway. Long life and perfect health are wonderful benefits, but it comes with restrictions I’m not sure I could accept. My son is out there.” She gestured toward the ceiling and the sky beyond. “What if he needs me and I can’t help him because I’m trapped here?”

Sulat turned to look at Vixi. If his child was in trouble, he’d break every law in the galaxy to reach her. Consequences be damned. No doubt Jody would do the same. But how? Security measures were so tight they couldn’t even send one of the senior human colonists back to Earth to talk about her experiences and help ease the new recruits’ worries before and during the voyage back.

Tariq looked thunderous as the thought of being kept away from their daughter sank in. “That law is ridiculous and should be struck down. Everyone should have the right to travel wherever and whenever they wish.”

“I agree.” Jody raised and lowered her shoulders in what he had learned was their version of a dismissive shrug. “But for now, it stands. Besides, my situation is unique. I’m not a colonist. I’m on a three-year employment contract. The treatment would be available if I decided to stay.”

“I hope you decide to stay with us.” The words were out before he noticed his mouth moving. “I mean, stay here in Haven.” Sulat winced at his own awkwardness.

Jody gifted him with a smile that warmed him to his soul. “We’ll see what the future holds. For now, I’m only concerned about tomorrow. I’ve got a new patient to see. One of yours, in fact. Cameron Allen.”

“He finally took our recommendation to come and speak to you?” Tariq asked.

“Took him long enough,” Sulat grumbled.

Allen was the only full-blooded human male in the colony. He enjoyed his status immensely, especially when it came to unmated females, who considered him a new delicacy to be sampled. Despite his easygoing demeanor, the male had suffered abuse several times in his past and had various scars and injuries his recently gained medi-bots were unable to address.

“Don’t let him get flirty,” Vixi chimed in. “He thinks he’s more charming than he actually is.”

Sulat stiffened, but Tariq spoke first. “He flirted with you?”

Jody burst out laughing, her gray eyes sparkling with mirth. “Now you’ve done it. He better come to me for all future treatments, or these two are likely to prescribe him a fatherly warning about putting the moves on their little girl.”

“Witnessed,” Tariq muttered, his expression stormy.

Vixi scowled. “Not you, too, Jody. I’m over thirty years old by human standards. I haven’t been little for decades.”

“But you will always be our little whirlwind,” Sulat said.

“And with that, I will bid all of you good night.” Vixi rose and used her hands and her wings to gesture toward the stairs leading down to street level.

Jody turned toward the other female and gave her a hug. “Dinner was wonderful. Thank you for the invitation. I had a lovely time. We’ll have to organize a date so I can return the favor and host you and your fathers over for dinner.”

Vixi beamed. “I’d like that. We’d love to come to your home. Perhaps next week?”
