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After that, neither of them moved for a long time. She dropped her head to his chest and floated, sated and happier than she could remember. They still had problems to face and questions to answer, but all that could wait a few more hours. For now, she had everything she wanted right here.


Rin dozed on his couch while he made them both something to eat. The doctor had mentioned she’d need plenty of protein and calories to regain her strength and help her body finish healing. With that in mind, he made two large omelets with fresh vegetables from the garden and fried up several locally made sausages and slices of the Vardarian version of bacon to go with it.

The food dispenser brewed up a pot of tea and produced several slices of toast slathered with butter. He took one look at the pile and decided to add a more. It was his first time cooking for a guest, and he didn’t want to seem stingy.

He brought her a cup of tea and set it down on the table closest to her. He watched her sleep for a few seconds, amazed that this incredible woman was here, in his home and in his life.

“Food is almost ready,” he said softly, almost regretting the need to wake her.

Rin yawned and stretched, and his cock went instantly hard as he envisioned her arching beneath him as he powered into her. He stopped that line of thinking before all his good intentions vanished and he took her right here on the couch.

She had other needs he should see to, like eating and sleeping. She might have medi-bots now, but she was still only human. He’d have to remember that.

“Smells yummy,” she said, her voice still muzzy with sleep. Then she perked up. “Is that bacon?”

“It’s close enough to make no difference, and it’s local,” he told her.

“I think I’m really going to like it here. Fresh bacon. Now if you tell me you have fresh eggs, too…”

“I do. I keep a few chickens out back.”

She sat up and stared at him. “You have chickens? Here?”

“I have chickens,” he confirmed. “Why does this surprise you? I like animals and the colony permits us to have a variety of livestock.”

She waved her hands. “It’s not that. I haven’t seen a chicken since I left my parents’ farm. I’ve missed fresh food so much.”

He grinned. “Would now be a good time to mention I have my own garden, too?”

“Be still my heart. You have a library, chickens, and a garden. Anything else I should know?”

“I cooked breakfast myself.”

Rin threw a hand to her forehead and pretended to swoon. It was ridiculously dramatic, but he loved it. “That’s it. I’m proposing. You are the perfect man.”

“Cyborg,” he corrected her. “And I’m far from perfect.”

Whatever she was about to say was cut off by an intense mental blast that nearly knocked him off his feet.

It was Amun, and whatever was happening, the hawk was frantic about it. So much so that Axe had no idea what the bird was trying to convey.

“Slower,” he sent back. “I cannot comprehend.”

Rin pinched her nose with her fingers and closed her eyes before saying, “I’m here, Hera. I don’t understand what’s wrong. Explain slowly.”

So whatever it was, both hawks were aware of it, and Axe got the sense it wasn’t an immediate threat. At least, not to them. So what was it?

Amun went quiet for several seconds and then sent an image of a hawk. One became two, became three, and soon there were six images. Then two vanished and Amun sent another pulse of alarm. “Gone! No find.”

Now he got it. “Two of the hawks are missing. I can’t tell which ones. Can Hera tell you?” he asked Rin.

She paused for a few seconds and then nodded. “It’s the two you sent back to camp yesterday. Hera says they’re gone and she can’t find them.”

“Amun said the same thing.”

Rin jumped to her feet. “What the fraxx has that idiot done now? Where are my clothes? We need to go to the camp and find out what the hell is going on.”

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