Page 31 of Savoring Her Sweets

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I sit here for a few minutes, thinking about the money that I’m going to make from hosting. An idea occurs to me then, so I open the internet browser on my phone and go to a listing that I have bookmarked.

It’s for a much larger shop in a nicer area that’s for sale. I have had my eye on it for a long time, but would normally never be able to afford it. I dial the number listed on the ad and speak to the company that owns it.

“Yes, the property is still available,” they inform me.

I want to jump up and down. I feel like I’m about to have my dreams come true.

“However, there has been a lot of interest in recently. A local investor is looking to purchase the space and demolish it to make room for something else,” the agent informs me.

My happiness disappears.

“Oh, I see. And how much is the space again?” I ask.

I’m shocked and disappointed as she tells me the price has increased a little. I thank her and hang up. That is a lot of money, more than I’d make from hosting this auction. In fact, I would probably have to host multiple events to be able to afford this place.

I tap my fingers on the table as I try and think of what to do. As the minutes go by, I realize I already made my decision. I need this space. If I want to get anywhere in my life and progress in my business, I need to take risks. If that means taking part in all these auctions, then I have to do it. It’s the only way to get what I want.

I get up to get ready for work. I only hope that Brian calls me soon, and that he will be open to letting me host more events in the future. I have to put a lot of work and planning into my business now. I need to do everything I can to ensure that the auction will be a success.

There’s suddenly so much that I want to talk to Brian about. I’m so curious now about how everything is going to work. I laugh at myself. Even though he’s a cocky flirt, he still manages to intrude into my thoughts even in the smallest way.

I shrug, because maybe I’m being ridiculous. Then I finish getting ready for work. I want to get there early and experiment with some new recipes for the event. I’m suddenly filled with a lot of excitement and can’t wait to host the auction.

My wet panties remind me that I also want to see Brian again, but I try to ignore that thought.

I’m a woman on a mission, and I have exciting plans ahead.

Chapter 9


It’s the night of the auction. I’m so excited! This is just one of the steps on the way to making my business even better.

I’m a little upset because I’m running late. I spent too much time thinking about getting the new shop and expanding my business – not to mention getting ready – that I lost track of time.

I race across town and make it to the store. Thank goodness Bloom is such a small town and there is never any traffic at this hour. I hurriedly fix my make-up and hair before getting out of the car.

Brian is waiting outside the shop along with the woman who runs things. Julia. I remember her from Sheila’s auction.

I’m all smiles as I walk over because I see that they have a crowd of people waiting with them. My smile disappears as I see that Candy is among the people in the front of the line. I can feel my anger building up.

I unlock the door, and everyone starts walking inside.

I pull Brian aside and ask, “What is she doing here?” in a hiss, as I throw a pointed glance at Candy.

Brian looks at her and then shrugs.

“I told her about these money-making opportunities too and she said she wanted to be a part of it,” he explains. “Sorry. Do you not like her? I was just talking to everyone who was at the last auction.”

I sigh in anger.

“Right. I don’t like her and I don’t want her here,” I snap.

Brian looks confused.

“Why?” he asks, then explains, “The more women that participate, the more money we make.”

I get what he means, but he just doesn’t understand the history that Candy and I have. Right now, though, I don’t have the time or patience to explain it to him.

Brian reaches out and gently brushes his fingers against my hand. I look at him, surprised that he’s doing that.

“I really am sorry. I didn’t know that you didn’t like her, or I never would have told her about this opportunity. I had already talked to her about everything beforehand and she signed up to our newsletter that let’ everyone know where the auctions are going to be,” he explains apologetically.

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