Page 1 of Ridge

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He glares at me from across the room, and the thought of snapping his goddamn neck flashes through my mind for the tenth time today. I should do it and end his miserable life for what he did to me.

“You gonna look at him like that all day?” Cage asks, pulling my attention back to him.

“I might,” I reply, looking back and giving the fucker the death glare. I hate the little motherfucker, and I should end this here and now.

“It’s over, yeah? What’s the point of starin’ him down?” he asks. I turn back to Cage and grab my beer, bringing it to my lips before taking a long pull.

“The point is he fucked my girl,” I state.

“That wasn’t all on him,” he reminds me right back.

“I know, but what kind of little fuck does that to a brother? One he needs in order to get patched in at that,” I tell him. Cage chuckles and shakes his head before running a hand through his hair.

“I get it, brother. I do. You’re pissed and have every right to be. He shouldn’t have touched your girl, but at the same time,she was spreadin’ her legs for him.” I don’t need the fucking reminder.

I thought I’d finally found something good in Marcy, someone I could spend my life with, but that was a fucking lie. She didn’t want me or the forever I wanted. She turned around and fucked the prospect behind my goddamn back. It failed on her part, though. He told everyone, and I mean everyone in the goddamn club. Now, they look at me as weak because I haven’t retaliated against him yet. Yet. That’s the keyword here. I have time to handle him as I see fit, and I will.

Marcy was a sweet girl I met at the bar one night. I should have known not to take her home and straight into my bed, but I did it anyway. And now look at the fucking mess I’m in. Look at what my world has come down to.

“I don’t need the goddamn reminder, Cage.”

“I think you do. You’re takin’ this all out on him when Marcy is to blame, too. She wasn’t innocent. She had a hand in it,” he says, pissing me off. Does he think I don’t know that? I know all too fucking well what she did.

“Doesn’t change the fact I want to snap his goddamn neck,” I inform him. Tarek chuckles as he glances over at Rig, the little son of a bitch I have my eye on. There’s tension in the air, and we can all feel it. There’s no denying I’m going to beat his ass; the only question is when? I think a sneak attack would work perfectly. Wait till the little bastard is least expecting it, and then I’ll pounce like a goddamn cat after a mouse. Yeah, that’s what I’ll do.

“You’re gonna blow a fuckin’ vein if you get any more pissed,” Tarek tells me.

“Tell me one good reason why I shouldn’t be pissed?” I ask him before looking around at the other guys. No one has anything to say. Exactly like I thought. I have every right to bepissed. He knew she was with me, and now the smug little fuck sits over there smiling with the other guys like he did no wrong.

“I got nothin’,” Knight says, making me chuckle.


“You ever gonna let this go?”

“After I beat his ass,” I tell them.

“Then do it. What the fuck are you waitin’ for?” Cage growls low in his throat. I know he doesn’t like the games I’m playing, but I don’t rightly give a fuck.

“Nope. I’m waitin’ for the perfect time, and then I’m gonna hand him his ass,” I inform the table. The guys laugh, but I don’t think it’s that funny. They wouldn’t be happy if it were one of their old ladies who did this shit, so why the fuck do they think I need to be okay with it?

“You’re fuckin’ crazy, Ridge.”

“No shit.”

“Can we talk business, or are we gonna sit and talk shit about Rig all night?” Cage finally asks. I adjust myself in the seat and shift so I’m facing the table and not that little shit.

“Business it is. What’s up, Prez?” I ask. He nearly rolls his eyes at me, but I just smirk at him.

“I got a call. Not our normal call, but it’s work. High-class movie star. She needs security while she’s home for the holidays,” he explains. The guys grunt, not wanting to be a part of that shit, but I perk up. A movie star? I can get down with that. How much trouble could she be?

“How many are needed?” Tarek asks.

“They only asked for one. You’d be with her the entire time, so you need to make sure you can handle that,” he adds.
