Page 33 of Claim & Don't Tell

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Almost as though he likes it.

Almost as though he’s been yearning for it for years.

The only thing that’s ever made sense is how much he hates me. I’m the daughter of the beta who replaced his dead mother. I’ve always been a nuisance. Annoying. Young. Foolish. In the way.

My scent is a secret he’s loath to keep.

But now, he’s not only in my way, he’s keeping me here. Snaring me. Controlling me without so much as uttering a command. I’m right where he wants me. Pressed against the wall, helpless to escape. His scent surrounds me, wrapping around my legs, teasing over my stomach, tracing down my spine, sinking into my skin. Scarring my soul.

Mine. The thought screams through my mind. God, he smells so good. He smells like a bed I never want to leave. Brady is... no. It’s wrong.

How can it be wrong, though? How can something so perfect not make sense?

“Brady?” I whisper as my stomach flutters.Say something. Anything.

He drags in another breath, and gooseflesh chases the air rushing over my neck as he savors me with a soft purr rumbling deep in his chest. Pulling back, his gaze crashes into mine like a wave smashing against craggy cliffs. His eyes burn with things I’m not sure I can acknowledge. The line between his eyebrows hardens. He leans closer, lips a mere breath away from mine.“You stink,” he says, telling me something he’s accused me of exactly one time before.

This time, though, I know he’s lying. He must sense my disbelief because the fire in his gaze slips away, replaced by that cold stare I’ve come to know so well.

“Stay out of my way, princess,” he growls before shoving away from the wall. Every drop of warmth he brought chases after him, leaving me shivering and cold.

Leaving me confused and a little pissed off. He was the one who barged in here and cornered me. He was the one who ran his nose up the column of my neck. A shiver rolls over me, and despite my growing anger, my stomach flutters at the memory of being caged by Brady.

Then reality sets in and I shut it all down, reminding myself that, over the next few months, I have things to do and none of them involve my stepbrothers.



My list of things to do includes finding an internship, a place to live, and a way to forget my stepbrothers exist. I’m still working on getting through the first item on this list, and the interview I’m at isn’t giving me much hope.

The smile on my face is so fake, it hurts. There’s nothing worse than pretending to be exhilarated about being interrogated, all for the sake of getting an internship. Don’t get me wrong—I’m grateful Eling and Yonder called me. It’s only the interview process I hate.

“Okay, Quinn. Next question. Here at Eling & Yonder, we’re a family and spend a lot of time together. Sometimes you may be asked to stay late or work on the weekends. Is that something you’re able to do?” The interviewer with closely shorn blond hair, Alec, asks.

Every CPA firm sells the sixty-to-seventy-hour weeks differently, but this is the first time I’ve heardfamilybeing thrown into the mix. I guess this is their special brand of Kool-Aid.

“I’m willing to do what it takes to get the job done and to take advantage of the learning opportunities an internship at Eling & Yonder would give me.”

The two interviewers smile at one another. Nearly matching business suits. Slicked-back hair. A certain middle-aged alpha arrogance dancing around both of them. These two probably don’t hear no often.

“Well, Quinn. I’ll admit you do interview well, but there’s something we need to address.” The guy on the right, Mordor, clears his throat before proceeding. “As standard protocol, we do reference checks before bringing someone in for an interview.”

An awkward pause. My stomach sinks, but I smile even harder. “That makes sense.”

“We talked to Mr. Mosley.” Mordor delivers the blow with a heavy sigh.

“Oh?” I ask, continuing to pretend like nothing is wrong and hiding the tremble of my hands under the table.

“He had great things to say about the work you did but...then he mentioned the reason you were fired.” Alec’s cheeks flame. “We need to know if your”—he makes a face—“addiction is under control. Our clients expect professionalism, and porn?—”

“I wasn’t looking at porn,” I say quickly.

I can’t believe that bastard is spreading that stupid lie about me to other firms. He’s going to ruin any chance I have, all because he can’t handle rejection. I mean, I did knee him in the nuts. I did agree to go to dinner, but he’d made it seem like something else. The real problem is that I should have said no to begin with, but I was too worried about fitting in and pleasing the boss to say no to a simple dinner.

“Are you calling Mr. Mosley a liar?” Mordor’s eyebrows disappear into his hairline, and his lips turn down. “That’s a serious accusation, young lady.”

Keep smiling, Quinn. You can still save this interview.
