Page 78 of Claim & Don't Tell

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The rideshare driver waits as I struggle to fit my key into the door. I waver on my feet, and my stomach swims with too many shots of whiskey. The burn of the cheap liquor wasn’t enough to chase away my demons.

I was too drunk to drive. I’m too drunk to stand. I probably shouldn’t have come home, but I have nowhere else to go. The condo is still being renovated. I could sleep outside. No. I won’t run.

I have to face what I’ve done.

I have to see that she’s okay.

Finally, the metal key slips into the slot, and I get the door open. I throw my hand up, waving at the driver as I stumble across the threshold.

Honey. Musk. Torture. Perfection. Agony.Mine.

I shake myself. Those delusions are what got me into this mess in the first place. I breathe through my teeth, but it doesn’t help. The door bangs shut, and I glare at it, wondering what the fuck its problem is.

My head spins and the marble tips toward me. Stumbling, I drop onto my ass. Pain lances through me, but it doesn’tcompare to the agony I’ve been trying to chase away all night. Grunting, I sit and place my forehead in my palms, trying to breathe without choking. But she’s everywhere.

Her moans whisper through my mind, taunting me.

Her haunting looks, the way her eyes widen when they fall on me, torment my mind.

Her throbbing pussy, milking my knot, mocks me.

Her perfume, rich and comforting, wraps around me.

I don’t think I can do it.

“Get up.”

Austin. I’ve heard that disgust in his voice before, but it’s never been directed at me. Until today. Lifting my head, I blink to clear my wavering vision and find him looming over me. With me on the ground, it’s like I’m the little brother, only that’s not true. I’m his big brother.

He shouldn’t be looking at me with disappointment.

Things are well and truly fucked.

“I’m sorry,” I rasp. At least I left her with them. Dylan and Austin are better than me. She was safe with them.

“I don’t want to hear that shit from you,” he growls, dropping into a squat, so we’re face-to-face. “Do you know what you did?”

Too much. Not enough.

“Yeah.” I drop my gaze and groan when the world starts to spin.

“You’re drunk.”

“Leave him.”

Dylan. Once he was a little boy who looked at me like I was a superhero. I’m too scared to meet his gaze now. Too chicken shit to see how far I’ve fallen in his eyes.

“He’s still our brother,” Austin tells him.

“He hurt her.”

They’re talking about me like I’m not here. When I try to say something, my throat burns and my voice is lost. There are no words to make this better.

“I know.” There’s pity in Austin’s voice. “He’s too hell-bent on protecting us to see the truth.”

What truth?

The truth that everything is broken because of me?

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