Page 75 of Twisted Kings

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My toes curl against the white marble floor, my legs tense and straining to keep me upright. His other arm bands around me, holding me tight.

“Let’s get you into the tub,” he says, and guides me over, never stopping the slow exploration of my pussy with his fingers, urging me to take careful steps. I’m trying to focus on walking and on him at the same time and can’t. The edge of the tub arrives just in time, and he helps me into it, until I sit on the furled ceramic edge, my legs in the hot water.

The lake stretches out beyond the glass in front of us, shining in the early afternoon sun, and his hand slips between my thighs again, urging them apart. He stands behind me, bent so he can reach me, the cotton of his shirt soft on my back. He kisses the edge of my ear, and then my temple.

“Watch the lake,” he says quietly. “Tell me what you see.”

His thumb grazes my clit. Heat spikes inside me and I clench down on nothing, desperate for something inside of me. I can’t speak, all I can do is arch into his touch, the warm watersplashing up my legs as he strokes me, teasing me, making my body respond to him. I let my eyes slide close and two of his fingers slide down between my folds, threatening to take me completely.

“I asked what you could see,” his voice runs rough over my skin, making me shiver. I shake my head, disobedient, because I want to push him. I want to see what I’ll do when I don’t obey.

This is the one place that I have all the power, and I know it, even with my thighs spread for him, and his hands warming my body. Outside this room I’m a servant, no better than anyone and utterly replaceable.

In here I’m a queen.

His fingers slide inside me, bottoming out at his knuckles, and my eyes fly open as he curls them upward and in, calling my body to answer him.

The gasp rushes between my parted lips and he does it again, low twists of his wrist between my thighs until I’m grabbing for his forearm, trying to get back the control I feel slipping away from me. It slides through my fingers, and evaporates as my muscles tighten up and that piercing white light flares across my vision. All I want is this moment to stretch into eternity.

The lake, the sky, they’re infinite. I am so small in his arms, leaning into him as he holds me tight. Sensations are bright pin-points in this fuzzy moment. The warmth of his skin, the intensity and sound of his breath as he inhales my scent, his face buried in my hair. The swirl of water around my legs.

My body shakes and then that tight coil inside me, that indescribable feeling of urgency and desperation, cracks open in a flood of heat that turns my muscles liquid.

He holds me tight, steadying me, his fingers slowing to a stop inside me, until all we are is quiet and still, the only sound the rasp of his breath. He’s hard in the small of my back, and I turn to him, stifling a gasp as his hand slips from me.

“Do you—“ I don’t know how to ask him if he wants more, if he wantsme. The words die in my throat, refusing to come out, my bravery evaporating along with the heat of the moment.

Instead of answering, he kisses me, his hands gentle on me as he holds me, dipping his fingers into the water and dragging the wet up my legs, over my thighs.

“Let me care for you,” he murmurs, and he helps me down into the bathtub. I sit there, knees pulled to my chest, watching him. The heat of the water is curling in his dark hair, making the fabric of his shirt limp.

“Only if you take that off,” I reply, my voice soft and trembling. I’m sure he’ll say no. His eyes flicker, from me, to away, to me again. His throat tightens, Adam’s apple dipping down. I’m asking him for so much, to expose all his hurts to me. But hasn’t he seen all ofme?

The shirt slides down his shoulders, his arms, the horrible evidence of abuse crawling along his skin slowly revealing itself, and I vow to fix it. Make it all better. He swallows again, and my gaze lingers on the tight line of his adonis belt, proud and arched. For a man that desks about all day, he’s…

“You’re very fit,” I say, and he raises an eyebrow at me, his lips smirking at the corner, and I’m grateful to have made him smile in this tight, tense moment. I bite my lip. “I want to see all of you,” the words flood out of me, and he clears his throat.

“Alright,” he replies, eyes on me as he slowly strips down. His trousers hit the floor, following the shirt, and he is rock-hard in his boxers, the plain black doing nothing to hide just how much he wants me.

My cheeks are red from the heat, and from the way he never pulls his gaze from mine. His thumbs hook into his underwear, and I hold my breath, wanting to sink under the surface of the water. The moment stretches, expanding out into nothingness.

The fabric joins its mates, and I let my gaze drag down his body like a physical touch.

He exhales, his foot hitting the water, splashing me. His cock is…


That’s the only word my mind can come up with, and I nearly laugh about it as he kneels down in the water in front of me.

He reaches for my hand, and I let him guide it to his cock. We encircle his erection, his skin warm and silky-smooth under my fingers. His eyes slide shut, and I want to see him come apart for me.

I want to blur the sight of those scars, trailing across his forearm, I want to blur them with the sight of his own ecstasy.

This man who never asks anything of himself, who only gives of himself in service to everyone around him. Even me.

But that changes, now. I shift in the water, the warmth of it splashing up my belly, and I lean up. My other hand pulls around the back of his neck.

I kiss him, my mouth on his, insisting he let me in. He’s tense at first, but when I twist my hand, down his cock, teasing himslowly, he groans and relents. His body goes loose, and he bends to me, kissing me back. He lays me down against the slope of the bathtub, my hand still around him, stroking up and down the length of his cock. His breathing hitches, the pretty line of his lashes dark against his cheek as he closes his eyes.
