Page 99 of Twisted Kings

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That thought flares through me and I realize that I want something very different from her now then I did three minutes ago.

Before, I wanted her to tell me every little secret she has collected on my brothers and their feud. Now I want to know thesecrets of her body.

And I won’t stop until I have them.

“Come here,” I demand. She doesn’t move. The growl coils in my belly, hot and insistent, before it erupts from my throat. “Now!”

She jerks, moving forward a hesitant step, but then comes to me.

“My sister likes you, and that’s the only reason I haven’t thrown you from this house,” I tell her. Her eyes widen, and that only Mason can fire her is clearly something she doesn’t know. “What games are my brothers playing? Never mind the ones with you,” I say, watching her expression change. Her face is changeable like the sky; stormy one moment and a sunset of pink and red the next. Her cheeks are flushed, and her lips are as well.

Her lips part, and for a moment, I think she will break, giving me everything I want.

Instead, her chin lifts, and a look of complete stubbornness fills her eyes.

“Why don’t you talk to them yourself?” She asks, and the spear of rage goes right through my chest. She, a nothing and a nobody, dare defy me? Insulting. Absurd.

Not to be borne. My jaw goes tight and tense. Her stance shifts, her toes curling into the thick rug beneath her feet, like she’s readying for my reaction, for a fight.

Her eyes flicker; even now, when I think she might back down from my stare and assume her proper place, she doesn’t.

“Do you know what I found when I came here?” Her voice is soft, with a subtle shake to it that tells me she knows what she is risking by pushing back against me. “I found two broken,devastated men, and a little girl who was all but being neglected by them both.”

Her words are an insult, worse than any slap. My brothers, neglect and ignore Madeline? She is the hope of our family. The only thing precious and good we have ever created. Who the hell does this little bitch think she is?

“My brothers adore her, I-“ I start in, the heat curling through my voice, and I reach toward her to grab her by the shoulder. She ducks away from me, glaring.

“Your brothers were letting her be worked half to death by her tutors,” she cuts me off. “Neglect doesn’t mean they’d shut her away in a tower! Did being born rich make you stupid, or did you turn that way over time?”

She draws herself up to her full height, which would be laughable if the accusations she had levied toward Benedict and Mason weren’t so serious. Neither of them would ever hurt Maddie, and I don’t know how to handle the idea that they let others do just that.

“Tell me everything,” I demand, and she snorts, crossing her arms under her breasts. She’s behaving like she’s the titled, noble one, and I’m the servant. And later, after I’ve found out everything from her that I need to, I’m going to teach her a lesson about who gets to tell who what to do. For now, I’ll play nice. I’m good at pretend. She’ll never see it coming.

“What are you going to do about it if I do tell you?” She asks archly, her red lips pulled down in a frown. “I’ve worked every second since coming here to make sure that Lady Madeline had time for rest and play, like any child should.”

“Did you bring this up with his grace?” I ask her, because the way that she’s phrasing things leads me to believe she hasn’t. For whatever reason, she hasn’t gone to my eldest brother with her concerns. A look of guilt crosses her face and I pounce. “Why the hell not? If you’re so worried, if you’re her nanny, if her wellbeing is your sole concern-“

“He is very busy,” she says, her shoulders dipping in and down, like she’s trying to shrink into herself. “It’s hard to find a moment that he isn’t-“

“Fucking you?”

She jerks like I hit her, her cheeks going bright red, and her mouth opens like she wants to deny it. I laugh, and walk to her, wrapping my fingers from one hand in her hair. The other lifts up the skirts of her dress. Her eyes widen.

“What, don’t-“

But it’s too late for that. I’m getting what I want and showing her what she is. My hand curls between her thighs despite her pathetic attempt to squeeze them together. Her fingers wrap around my wrist, nails digging in, but my hand has already found it’s target.

Her pussy, soaking wet through her panties. I shove the fabric to the side and she cries out.

“What, were you too busy fucking him?” It’s not a question I think she’s going to answer. Not with the way her hand clings to my arm, tight, but she isn’t pushing me away.

A smile spread across my face.

No, she’s not pushing me away at all. She’s pulling my wrist in closer, arching her hips slowly into my touch. Her eyes fluttershut, and she’s begging with her body for more. My other hand untangles from her hair to trace down the curve of her cheek.

“You’re a slut for all of us,” my voice pitches low, and she moans in response, “aren’t you?”

Her eyes flare open, pupils blown and she jerks back from me.
