Page 20 of Devil's Debt

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Footsteps overhead echo dully down to me, and someone’s coming down the stairs.

“What the hell?” Hadrion’s voice is quiet, concerned, and when I look at him, my vision is blurred with tears. “Katy, Katy,” he murmurs, coming right to me and wrapping me in his arms. A shake rocks me, and a sob works its way up my throat. “Whathappened? What did he do?” His words are low and fierce, and his hands tighten on my shoulders, and when he pulls back to look at me, his eyes are hard and cold. I shake my head, unable to form the words, a formless cry cracking out of my mouth. I sob, my head hanging.

He’d been telling the truth.

Emi had sold me out.

My own sister...

“Katy,” Hadrion says softly, his hands moving to cup my face, tilting my chin upward, forcing me to look at him. He searches my face, his jaw clenched, a muscle in his cheek jumping. “Did he hurt you?”

“No,” I manage, and my face crumples, and then his arms are around me again, crushing me against his chest. His heartbeat is solid and reassuring against my cheek, and his chin is resting lightly on top of my head. “Yes,” I finally say. “You were right. She did plan all of that. Her... and...”

“Your father. Mmmm. I didn’t lie to you.” He’s gentle, quiet as he holds me tight. My cheek is pressed into his chest, and I close my eyes, waiting to hear the low heartbeat thumping against my ear. He shifts, his hand cradling the back of my head. “You’re safe here. You always have a place here.”

How can he promise that when he barely knows me? But Livvie did say that he took her in and housed her within a few days of her starting to work here. Maybe... maybe that’s just the way he is. That and how she said he throws out anyone who touches us. You always think a prince is going to ride along and rescue you, but maybe this is what a real prince charming looks like? The owner of a private member’s club, a guy who shelters womenwho need a safe place to live.

It’s the sort of thing that would’ve made Emi roll her eyes and spit on the ground. She’d have said that guys like that didn’t exist, and I was just dreaming again.

The sort of thing that would’ve made Dad turn his back, harrumphing, saying I was getting above myself.

And it makes my heart clench, thinking about it. That Hadrion, a man I barely know, has been nicer to me than my family, who I’ve spent my whole life trying to make happy.

“It’s alright, Katy, it’s alright,” he soothes me, stroking my hair, holding me tight. I sniffle, and he grabs a tissue, offering it to me. I wipe my face, and finally he lets me go. “Are you going to be okay to work tonight? If not, it’s fine if you want to relax, get cleaned up, and just rest upstairs. Livvie has been holding down the fort on her own for six months. One more night won’t make a difference. If you need the time, take the time.”

I sniffle and cough before tossing the tissue away.

“Do you need help getting back upstairs? I can escort you--“

“No,” I say quickly, “I’m fine. I will get cleaned up for tonight, but I’m going to work. I’m good to work.” I can’t let him down, this strange, elegant stranger who’s walked into my life and turned it upside down.

His hands are warm and comforting, the weight of them on my shoulders, the feel of him leaning down to kiss the crown of my head.

“You are strong, Katy,” he murmurs. “You have no idea how strong you are.” The feeling of that kiss sends a dizzy spiral of tingles through my whole body and when he pulls away, Istand there, unable to move. “I’m going to check on how things are coming along. The club opens at nine, and Elenora will fix you something to eat for dinner before then. I’ll see you later, alright?” He moves toward the door and is through it before I can say anything else.

I stand there, rooted to the floor, breathing slowly, and nervously reach my hand up to play with the pendant around my neck, the worn metal comforting in my hand. I’m going to do what he says, get washed up, changed into something better suited to overseeing the floor of a very exclusive private member’s club, and eat some food so I don’t pass out from anxiety half-way through. As I walk toward the stairs, I stop to look for the miniature ivy. Maybe I can put it upstairs where the sun can reach it—

My breath stops in my chest when I see it, next to the newspapers and the paperclips, but no more is it wilting and straining to survive. It’s nearly six inches taller, several new green shoots curling out from the base, as it presses up against the window, leaves finding purchase there.

I exhale, turn, and bolt up the stairs.



The club is packed, the lights flashing and the music pulsing, a DJ in the booth, the cage dancers moving through the air, and the crowd is thick and rowdy, full of laughter and conversation, the scent of perfume and cologne in the air. I’m overwhelmed by it, but Livvie has me at her side and behind the bar. As soon as I came downstairs, shortly before the bar opened, she ordered me to stick by her, especially since it was my first night on the floor. That was two hours ago, and already I’ve gotten the hang of pouring out shots and beers, and even have a couple of specialty drinks memorized.

It’s a little easier when the patrons are too focused on themselves to really notice me, and when they’re distracted by the music, the drinks, and the other staff. I’m able to blend in, especially because I picked a high-necked dress that didn’t show off anything. I don’t want Hadrion to think I’m attracting the wrong kind of attention, or encouraging unwanted affection from any of the patrons.

There are some tables scattered around the floor, and a few people are sitting, enjoying the view. Livvie tells me it’s a goodsign that the club is full and lively.

But I’m not paying attention to them, not really. My gaze is flicking over their heads, and across the room, looking at the glass doors that separate the main area from the VIP room. They’re open, and a few people drift between the two areas, but I can’t see who is inside. I don’t want to see who is inside. Livvie says some of the patrons are regulars, and that a lot of the rich and powerful from Uptown or Downtown Detroit come here to mingle and dance, and enjoy themselves.

I’m sure they’re not the type to bother with a girl like me, so I ignore them and their world, and keep pouring out drinks.

“I’m gonna take a break. You gonna be alright?” Livvie asks, and I nod. There’s another bartender at the end of the bar, a guy named Angel, who’s been chatting up a group of young women dressed in shimmering, clinging dresses. He glances over and gives me a smile, and Livvie laughs. “Take care of our FB, okay?” She calls to him, and I wander toward him when she leaves.

“FB?” I ask, and his eyes sparkle as he crinkles them shut.
