Page 53 of Devil's Debt

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I’m tired of playing these games, and pretending like I don’t know that the world is a terrible and unfair place.

I’ve learned that lesson a hundred times over.

But there’s one more thing I can try, and then I’ll admit defeat, and accept whatever Hadrion thinks is best for me, and let him do what he needs to do. Because I’ve admitted it to myself: I’m hurting over this guy, this god-on-earth. And he doesn’t see it. He doesn’t see me.

He just sees the bearer of the key.

He doesn’t even see the girl, the woman, behind the title.

“Katy!” Shay calls from across the bar, waving me over.

“Hey,” I call back, and head toward her, dodging bodies and dancers on my way. She’s got a shot of vodka when I get to her, Angel serving her up from behind the bar. He winks at me.

“One for you?” He offers and I shake my head.

“No thanks,” I reply, and turn to Shay, taking the glass from her and dumping the clear liquid into my mouth. It’s warm going down, and my throat burns. Angel laughs and disappears down the bar, and Shay puts a companion-like arm around my shoulders.

“What foolish thing did he say to you?” She asks, and I roll my eyes.

“It’s that obvious?”

“He’s been sulking all evening,” she says, giving me a squeeze before letting me go. I’m grateful when she does. Touching her gives me a chill that eats right into me, and I’m glad when I can pull away and regain some warmth. I look around the room, searching for a glimpse of him. I haven’t seen him since he drove us back here earlier, after our uncomfortable picnic.

The day started so well too...

My chest feels hollow.

“Well, good,” I grumble, “he deserves to spend the night feeling crappy.” Shay lifts an eyebrow at me.

“You two have a fight?”

“No, just...” I shrug, and then turn back to her. “Where’s Livvie?”

“I don’t know, somewhere, probably making a mess of the VIP section,” she answers, her lip curling. “Why?”

“Because I need her help.” I debate the pros and cons. I should be behind the bar, helping Angel, but it’s a weeknight, busy, but not overrun. And I need a friend, a human friend, not someone who can live forever and lacks a sense of urgency when it comes to decision-making.

“She’s not doing anything that can’t be interrupted. Go find her. I’ll tell Angel where you are.”


“Anytime, dear one,” she says, and gives me a smile, and I head off into the crowd, searching for a familiar blonde head. There are so many people here that it feels claustrophobic, even though it’s the usual press of bodies. I shouldn’t be feeling it, but the day’s worn on me.

Hadrion’s worn on me. I want to shake him by his shoulders.

I push through the crowd and find Livvie near the end of the smaller bar in the VIP section, chatting up a man twice her age. He’s a little sloshed, and she’s not paying attention to him, her gaze on her phone. I see him move before she does, his hand going to grab her ass.

Oh no.

Livvie’s a big girl, but I don’t like bullies, and this man is twice her size, and three sheets to the wind, and that’s not cool. I reach them, and I’m quick, grabbing the man’s wrist. His skin is wet and sticky. Gross.

“Hands off,” I snarl, and twist.

His yelp is satisfying, and Livvie looks up at me, alarmed and surprised. Her expression quickly shifts to anger as she figures out what was going to happen.

“Hey, hey,” she starts, and the man, his face flushed, starts swearing. He reaches out with his other hand and I twist his wrist, hard, and he backs off, trying to shake my grip. I let him go.

“Don’t,” I say, and then turn to Livvie, “we need to talk.”
