Page 72 of Reaching Limits

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“It’s the only way I know, sir.” I shrug, deciding that he needs to know exactly who I am if I’m gonna be in his daughter's life forever.

“And you think I should let my daughter marry you?” He laughs again and it’s starting to really piss me off.

“I don’t expect you to let your daughter do anything. She’s a grown woman who can make her own decisions. I told you what I just did, because I get the sense that you knowing that the man who took her can never hurt her again is gonna make it a damn sight easier for you to sleep at night.”

He nods his head back at me in agreement.

“And Daniel?” he asks again.

“My whole world stopped when I figured she was in danger.” I ignore his question. “I hated that I couldn’t get to her. I had no idea where she was and I’ve never felt fear like it. I promised myself that when I found her I’d never let her go again.” I think back to that time and it makes my blood run cold.

“Getting that call from Maisie and knowing she was okay made my heart start to beat again. I got to the hospital and I saw her lying in that bed and all I wanted to do was kill the person who hurt her. She needed me, and I was so focused on making them pay that I failed her. I wasn't raised among law and order like you, sir. My family have a sayin’. Whatever it takes. And we live by that. I’ve never cared about being thrown in jail or gettin’ myself killed before. Just lately, my brother Garrett’s been pissing me off. Letting things slide that we would never usuallylet go unpunished. I couldn’t understand why until I realized for myself what he had at stake. I walked into that room tonight and I wanted to slit Daniel’s throat, I wanted to hang him by his guts from your fancy chandelier for what he was gonna let happen to my girl. But I figured if I did that in front of those people, there was no way I could be the one taking care of her. I wanna be the one holding her at night and making sure she knows that it’ll never happen again. I can’t do that from a prison cell.” I lean over his desk and finally answer his question. “Daniel will get what’s coming to him because if my brothers have taught me anything, it’s that I can bide my time.” I sit back down and wait for his response.

He eventually nods his head like he can accept that, not that it would matter if he didn’t. Daniel’s fate’s already been decided. “I’ll speak to the Porters, tell them I paid you for your silence and convinced you to stand down your men. For obvious reasons, they will not want to take this to the police. I have been friends with them for a long time, they’re good people. Daniel’s actions aren’t a reflection on them.

“And you think they’ll buy that? Their son was gonna have your daughter raped.” I stare at him curiously.

“My wife hates any form of scandal, it won’t be the first time I’ve bought someone’s silence to save her embarrassment.” He grabs the decanter and pours us both another drink. “Daniel will undoubtedly leave town, I assume you will have the means to find him when the time is right?” he checks, and I nod him some reassurance.

“Okay.” He stands up and rounds his desk, shocking me with how well he’s accepted everything I’ve just admitted. He opens the office door and summons one of his staff to get Savannah.

She arrives a few minutes later, looking beautiful in the cream dress she’s wearing and also as nervous as hell.

“This man wants to marry you,” he tells her, studying her face and looking a little sad.

“I know.” She looks across to me and gives me a little hope when she smiles.

“Does he make you happy?” he asks, and I wait for her answer, thinking back to all the times I’ve made her cry and caused her pain.

“Yes.” She nods. “He makes me very happy…” Her eyes look to me. “When he’s not being an asshole,” she adds.

“Do you love him?” her father asks, taking his daughter’s hand.

“Unconditionally.” Her eyes are glistening with tears as she continues to look at me, and never in my life have I felt so lucky.

“So I assume you want to marry him, sweetheart?”

“Maybe someday.” She gives me that clever smirk that drives me insane.

“I guess what I’m really asking, is do you want to leave here with him?” All the tension in my body releases when she nods her head.

“I just want you to be happy, it’s all I’ve ever wanted. From that first day I brought you home. You may not have my blood, Savannah, but you’ve always had my heart. You're still my little girl, even when you're out there kicking ass and saving yourself from men your crazy fiancé fixed up to hurt you.” I watch her face burst with pride. “If this man sitting here is the one that makes you happy, you’ll both leave here with my blessing.”

“And what about Mom?” she sniffs, using the sleeves of the pretty cream dress she’s wearing to dry her eyes.

“Nothing a few more vodkas and a trip to Bora Bora won’t fix.” He makes her laugh through her tears.

“I’ll leave you two alone and tell everyone out there to go home.” He kisses her cheek before he steps out and when herattention turns to me, I brace myself for what’s bound to be coming.

“I should tell you to get back on that plane and fuck off.” She sits herself up on her dad’s desk and looks at me harshly.

“You should,” I agree. “But I probably wouldn’t leave. I made a stupid mistake, not once, but twice, and I hurt you. I need you to believe that I will never do that again. You are mine, and there is no way I’d ever let you go again.” I stand up, parting her legs so I can stand between them then lifting up her chin. “I love you, Red, and I’d really like it if you came home with me.”

“What if you change your mind again?”

“I won’t.” I shake my head. “You’ve proven, time and time again, that you can take care of yourself. I told you, you’re a survivor and if you're foolish enough to love me, then I’ll appreciate it, not turn it away.”

“And Daniel? You gonna kill him too?” She looks worried.

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