Page 73 of Reaching Limits

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“Not today,” I assure her. “Right now, my only intention is to get ya home and start our life together.”

“Well then, Cole Carson, let’s get goin’.” She lifts my hat up from her daddy’s desk and places it on my head before she puts me out of my misery and kisses me.

“I can’t believe you got on a plane.” She giggles when we arrive at the airline kiosk to pick up our tickets.

“Fastest way to get to ya.” I wink, still struggling to believe she’s here with me.

“That’s two tickets to Vegas, leaving in forty minutes, departing from gate twelve.” The steward smiles politely as she hands them over.

“Oh, there must have been a mistake, we’re heading to Billings,” Savannah corrects her.

“No mistake.” I take the tickets and guide her away from the desk.

“Cole, we have the wrong tickets,” she argues as I pull her over to one side.

“No we don’t,” I tell her. “We’re taking a detour.”

“To Vegas?” She stares at me blankly.

“Yeah, well. I ain’t taking a chance on a someday. You’re returning to Fork River as Mrs. Savannah Carson,” I inform her.

“Is this supposed to be a proposal?” she laughs.

“No, I proposed to you in front of all those people back at your rehearsal and never got my answer. I ain’t askin’ this time.”

“Cole, I know it’s different this time. You don’t have to prove it by marrying me.” She suddenly looks worried.

“I ain’t proving anythin’. This is what I want. You’re stubborn and irritatingly strong-willed, and I need you to be my wife today.”

“Are we really doing this?” Her wide, beautiful smile answers her own question.

“We sure as fuck are.” I drop my shoulder and lift her on it, biting her ass the way I did when I carried her out of the River Boys’ party a few months ago and rushing with her toward the security gate. She’s still giggling when we get there and I place her back on her feet.

“So not only did I get you on one plane, I’m getting you on two more. That could quite possibly be the most romantic thing anyone’s ever done for me.” I guess she’s ignoring the fact I’ve killed for her, or maybe it ain’t as romantic as Wade tells me it is.

“Well, I got my good luck charm, now.” I snap the bracelet on my wrist and watch her face screw up with confusion before I grab her jaw and pull her onto my lips.

“You ready to start the journey?” I ask.

“I’m ready.” The excitement on her face makes me feel like the luckiest man on the planet, and I know I’d die before I let anything in this world jeopardize her happiness again.

“They’re here.” Maisie claps her hands with excitement, and Wade quickly jumps off the bench he’s been standing on to hang the welcome home banner. He helps Leia up from the swinging chair and we all wait to greet my brother and the girl thatalmostgot away.

Savannah throws open the truck door and rushes straight to Maisie, throwing her arms around her and squealing. Cole lifts their luggage out the back of his truck and smiles in a way I’ve never seen before.

“We were expecting you two days ago. That ocean air must have really got to ya.” Wade slaps him on the shoulder before he helps lift one of Savannah’s cases onto the porch.

“Not exactly.” My brother looks to his girl and nods.

“We made a little detour.” Savannah proudly holds up her hand, wiggling her finger and showing us all the wedding band that’s on it. My wife squeals so loud I swear the whole of Fork River must hear her.

“You didn’t?” She grabs her hand and examines the ring while Leia pulls her in for a hug.

“This is the best news.” Maisie can’t contain her excitement and when Brianna starts moaning from the playpen we have setup in the corner of the porch, I go and grab her so she can carry on celebrating.

“Don’t wanna miss out on the action, baby girl?” I kiss my daughter’s head and when her brothers start trying to climb out too, I pull out Jack and hand him to Wade so I can reach in and get Jacob.

“Watch out, kiddos, you just got yourself a new auntie.” Savannah pulls a face at them before kissing each of their cheeks.
