Page 20 of Sinner's Mercy

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While Storm was technically correct, the fact of the matter was Montana was bound to uphold the club laws. Just because we all knew Largo, didn’t mean she was above the law of the club. We subjected our women to the same rules as we upheld. They knew that coming in. That’s why we branded them thenight of our claiming ceremony before putting our rings on their fingers.

The Soulless Sinners MC wasn’t a club for everyone. That’s why we had such a rigorous vetting system for the prospects. In a way, we had the same thing for the women we loved. And that’s when the reality of the situation sunk in.

Montana’s hands were tied.

He couldn’t go against club law, because if he did, it would jeopardize his standing. Make him look weak. He couldn’t let Largo go because of everything she knew. If I remarried her, he would be bound by club law to enforce the punishment. If I refused her, she would become a club whore. He was stuck between a rock and a hard place, and Largo knew it.

She knew it all before she left me and the club. She knew if she ever came back, this very thing would happen, and instead of running, she stood, waiting for her punishment.

“Montana,” Fury growled. “Say something!”

“Club law is clear. He can’t go against club law,” I clearly explained. “It will make him look weak.”

“Fuck that,” Payne sneered. “This is Largo we’re talking about, Mercy. The woman you love. The mother of Sophia. Don’t care what I’m ordered to do. I ain’t cutting a woman.”

“Me either,” Shame added.

“Largo,” Montana whispered, looking up at her, pleading with her. “Baby, please help me out here, because I can’t think of a way out of this.”

I sat rooted in my spot as the love of my life walked around the brothers protecting her as she headed straight for Montana. Kneeling beside him, she looked up at him and smiled that sweet, gentle smile we all knew and loved. “I know you don’t want to do this, Montana, but you have to. I knew when I left what could happen. It’s okay. I’m strong. I can handle it.”

Shaking his head, I watched as a lone tear rolled down his face.

“I can’t say it, sweetheart. I can’t.”

“Yes, you can,” she whispered gently. “Say the words, Montana.”

“Montana,” Fury snarled, sitting up straighter as the rest of the brothers all started squirming in their seats.

Largo looked at me for help. “Please help me do this.”

Refusing to budge an inch, my wife turned back to Montana, cupping his face. “I want to come home, brother. Please let me come home. Say the words.”

“Don’t do it,” Payne barked, slamming his hand down on the table.

“Please, Montana,” Largo pleaded, refusing to look at the brothers or me as tears rolled down her face.

This was her show.

She’d taken everything out of our hands.

She’d boxed us both into a corner.

There was nothing I could do. I refused to let my wife become a whore, and the second I put my ring back on her finger, the club would punish her. She knew it, and now, so did Montana and I.

There was no way out.

I was going to have to cut my wife!

“Please, Montana!” Vicious yelled, trying to get his attention.

Montana turned to look at me, shame and regret written all over his face. “I’m sorry, Caleb. So fucking sorry, but I have no choice. You won’t give her up and I refuse to kill my sister.”

“Don’t you fucking say it!” the brothers cried.

“Largo Davenport, I welcome you home.”

In the solitude of my office, I indulged in a slow sip from a tumbler filled with the golden elixir that is whiskey, all the while gazing intently at the cherished wedding picture adorning my desk. As I idly twirled my wedding ring between my fingertips, a wave of contemplation washed over me, prompting me to ponder the depths to which she was prepared to venture into this intricate web she had spun together.
