Page 130 of Come Back To Me

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A gloomy shadow casts over him. “No. I can’t. At least, not until this is done.”

After all these years, the pain still lingers. It’s manifested itself so deep within our blood, the only way to make sure we ever move on is to put an end to it. Once and for all. I’m not sure why or how we never knew the real truth about one getting away. Rippers MC went to war after Linda died. We killed. We fought. There were no questions asked as to whether we got the men who actually took her life. They were one and the same. You wore a Saviours’ cut. You died.


But to find out that one of the men physically responsible is alive, out here, close to my home. That has to be stopped.

“Ican’tdo this without you.” Jack’s statement, I feel it to my core. We went together. Found her together. We end this, together. For her. Shutting down Costa is a bonus.

“I know.”

“Then please keep this to us. Or at the very least a man you trust with your fuckin’ life. You bringloveinto the equation; you’ll bypass the hate and the burning anger needed to see this through. I’ve had your back for life, I need you to have mine now.”

He’s asking me not to tell Mads. He’s right. I hate him for it,but he’s right. I bring her into this, she’ll do everything she can to keep me out of it. And to get out of it like I want to, this has to be done.

“For life.” My words are barely audible. I open the door, climb down, and don’t look back.

Walking to the rear entrance of the clubhouse, soft singing reaches my ears as I walk past the garage where I last left my bike. Stood just out of sight, I catch Lauren humming to herself. I wonder what she’s doing in here? I can’t help taking a minute just to listen, enjoying the sudden flare of peace it brings me. “What’s going on?” I make her jump as I show myself.


I laugh, taken aback. She sounds like Travis. “What are you doing?” She has various tools out, scattered across the floor.

“I’m tuning her up.”

“Tuning her up?” I query. “What needed tuning?”

She wipes her hands on the bottom of her jumper, looking at my bike as she talks. “It wasn't running quite right. I flushed it out and put in new fuel, replaced the air filters, too. I’m considering cleaning the carburettors, and you might want some new brake pads soon.”

“Oh.” I’m not sure I was expecting her to reel off all of that. “How do you know how to do all of those things?”

She looks nervous. “Travis. He showed me.”

Explains the boisterous language. “This is what you’ve been doing whilst I’ve been away?”

She nods bashfully.

My lip twitches with gratitude. I draw a smile, ironing out the lines across her forehead.

“He’s been teaching me, so I can start earning my keep.”

Earn her keep? “Lauren, you don’t—”

“—I asked him, Dean. I want to. I’m not afraid to work.”

I check her expression. “I know.” I was the same. Didn’t wantthe handouts. Didn’t want the attention. I was happy to work for it. “We’re your family now, Lauren. Whether you like it or not, you’re stuck with us. And family look out for one another. That’s all I’m saying.”

She smiles and shrugs her shoulders. “Not like I got anyone else.” She then turns, looking down, pretending she’s looking for a tool she needs.

“Still nothing on Jay?”

Lips pinched together; she shakes her head side to side.

“I’m here now. I can start helping Travis to find him.”

“You won’t find him.”

I frown, my insides sinking knowing where I’ll look first. “What makes you say that?”
