Page 56 of Viper's Vendetta

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“What? Where did she go?” I can feel my concern shifting into anger. There’s only one reason for her to be out of town and for Grant to know about it. She’s hunting down a skip.

“Reno. She went after a skip. Caught him this morning and they’re on their way back here,” Grant says. “You didn’t know?”

“No, I fucking didn’t know! We haven’t started going after skips yet. We’re still getting the business ready.”

“She told me you guys were ready. You both passed the certification. What else is there?”

“We don’t have an office or staff. We still need to buy equipment and advertise,” I start, but Grant’s laughing his ass off.

“Jesus, Babe. Did you want to become a bounty hunter or just play at being one? All that stuff is window dressing. You don’t need any of it. Go out, catch a few skips and build your reputation.”

“Is that what you told Min? To go off half-cocked and grab some skip. Who is this guy? Is he dangerous? You let her go alone? What the fuck’s wrong with you?”

“Relax, he’s harmless. Besides, even if he wasn’t, Min can take care of herself. Fuck, she’s a natural. She knew the guy was hot for poke, and figured out he was heading to Reno for some minor tournament at Legacy. She spotted him and when he tried to hit on her, she had him. I doubt she even broke a sweat. Hell, she probably didn’t have to move from her seat.”

By this point, my temper spikes and I’m primed to deliver pain. I just don’t know the target. Grant for letting her go by herself, the skip for hitting on her, or Min for putting herself in a dangerous situation without back-up. She and I are going to have words right after I kill the other two.

Before I can threaten Grant with a beat-down, another call breaks through. Glancing at the display, I see it’s Min. “You and I aren’t done talking about this,” I threaten Grant. He just laughs and ends the call. Motherfucker. “Min, what the hell? Where are you?”

“I’m at the airport. What’s the matter? Why did you blow up my phone with messages?”

“You went on a job. Without me,” I bite out.

“You weren’t ready. I didn’t want to wait around and lose the edge. Besides, this one was easy. Weren’t you Humphrey? Walked right up to me and surrendered.”

“Fucking bitch…” I hear the asshole say, which has her laughing.

“We need to talk…” I start, but she interrupts me. “Huh? What’s he doing here?”


“That asshole who burned down my dad’s dojo. He just entered the terminal with four men.”

A commotion behind me splits my attention from Min. Dante’s calling Church.

“Babe, I have to go. Dante’s calling Church. We need to talk. Can you come to the clubhouse?”

“Did you hear me?” She asks, then huffs in disgust. “Never mind, fine. I’ll head to the clubhouse after I drop off this dirt ball.”

Entering Church, I take my seat. Smoke is messing with the phone and soon Shield’s voice comes over. “Did you hear what I said? Billings waltzed into the precinct and broke those four assholes out of jail.”

Billings. The asshole who tried to burn down the dojo. The one Min just saw at the airport. Fuck.

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